5 Tips for the Best Blogger Business Cards

5 Tips for the Best Blogger Business Cards

As we gear up for the Niche Parent 14 Conference at the Walt Disney World Resort, here’s some advice from experienced influencers on blogger business cards. Before any blogging conference, media tour, press event or local networking event –  you should check your stock to see if you need to order more. It may also be time for a redesign if you’ve switched to a new niche or added services for clients. Members of the Niche Parent community and other influencers gave us some of their advice on creating the best blogger business cards.

Be creative

Candy Cook from LiveLongLearning.com says:

“It’s easy to provide too much information and clutter up these little cards without showing an ounce of individuality or your own creative spirit. I believe that’s a huge mistake.”

Carrol Atkins from CASlyDesigns.com reminds bloggers to be open-minded with their business cards and display their personality:

”Your business card many times will go places you do not, make sure it speaks volumes about you and your business and represents you as you would represent yourself.”

 Candy Cook Business Card


Use your both sides of the card

Lindsey Paris RedHeadBabyMama.com:

“Use all the space you have. A double sided card works wonders for your brand.  Be sure to include a current headshot that doesn’t look to realtor-y.  Folks that meet you at a conference will appreciate remembering you easily!  I’ve actually had my cards tweeted because of the snazzy stripes.”

Lindsey Paris Business Card


If you write for multiple blogs and worry about creating one business card, Jana Seitzer from MerlotMommy.com created an excellent example that describes her various roles. See Jana’s post on what to include on blogger business cards.


Jana Seltzer Business Card


Where can you order business cards?

Your local office supply store or a print shop can help if you need cards in less than 48 hours. Plan ahead so you can online with Moo Cards, Vista Print or Tiny Prints.

Where can I find a designer?
Ask around for a designer recommendation. Hire a designer from Fiverr.com where the gigs start at $5. Find a business card designer on Etsy too.


After the Blogging Conference To-Do List ~ TheNicheParent.comOnce you get home (or even when there’s down time during the event), go through the cards you’ve collected create a Twitter list for the people you met. It’s part of the  “After the Blogging  Conference To-Do List.” If you’re attending the Niche Parent Conference, go ahead and set up the Twitter list now, then add the people you meet.

Comment below: Describe a unique business card you’ve and what stood out about it. How often do you order or re-design your business cards?

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