6 Simple Ways to Build Pinterest Traffic to Your Blog

While optimizing your blog for SEO is a great way to help people who are searching for great content or solutions, more bloggers are seeing a jump in Pinterest traffic. Pinterest is similar to an online scrapbook, where users pin images of their favorite tips, decor ideas, fashion, tutorials, videos and more. Bloggers can pin their featured images from popular posts and when a Pinterest user clicks the image, it leads directly to the blog. We asked a Pinterest pro, Kim Vij , who presented on Pinterest at the Niche Parent 14 Conference to share her insight on how to build Pinterest traffic to your blog. Kim and her blogging partner, Amanda Boyarshinov have 1.6 million Pinterest followers for their site, The Educator’s Spin On It.

6 Simple Way to Build Pinterest Traffic to Your Blog

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1.Create pinnable images
Kim points out “good content and high quality images are what drives repins and shares.”

Invest in a digital camera, tripod and even lights to make your photos stand out. Take a look at 4 Free Photo Editing Sites and Apps Bloggers Will Love 

Are you a video blogger or vlogger? Pin YouTube videos too. Create a video board or mix them in to your image boards on Pinterest.

2. Be descriptive
Use keywords in your Pinterest description, just like you do for a blog post, so that users can find your pin.

3. Join group boards 
Bloggers in a similar niche have created group Pinterest boards where they can all add pins on related topics. This allows you to pin more often to your own boards and group boards, and for your fellow bloggers to repin your content.

4. Schedule pins using Tailwind App 
Software and apps like Tailwind are popular tools to schedule your pins and boost traffic.

Kim says, “The best time to pin to schedule pins is frequently throughout your day and night. Because of time zones and availability online it’s hard to know the exact time your specific followers and potential followers are searching on Pinterest… If you’re pinning information that relates more to business think office hours. Paying attention to your notifications and analytics will benefit your impact on Pinterest the most.”

Scheduling can really help you juggle the demands of being a member of a group board so you’re not pinning in real-time.

5. Pinterest Facebook groups and threads
While it may sound weird to use Facebook to promote Pinterest, there are blogging groups with daily threads to re-share quality content. You’ll also gain more followers with your Pinterest activity. Kim reminds, “Consistent pinning maximizes your pins visibility online.”

6. Follow Pinterest blogs
Pinterest Fanatic, I Dig Pinterest, and The Pinterest Project have great ideas and inspiring visuals.
Kim Vij has resources and links for excelling at Pinterest on KimVij.com.
For even more insight, check out the “Perfecting Pinterest” board we created for our community of Pinterest followers:

Follow The Network Niche   board Perfecting Pinterest on Pinterest.

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