Blog Conference Packing List ~

When do you start packing for a blogging event like the 2014 Niche Parent Conference? A week before? The night before? No matter how much time you take to plan, you may forget something that’s quite important to your conference experience. Here’s a blog conference packing list designed to give you a record of the essentials you’ll need. This list could change accordingly if you’re traveling with your children or spouse. When you look over the toiletries list- keep in mind you could cut down on how many products you bring if you have a roommate and agree to split the list. For example, could you share shampoo and conditioner? If one of you packs an emergency kit with pain killers and band-aids, then you’re all set.

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Blog Conference Packing List

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Blog Conference Packing List

The computer bag or blogger bag you bring to the workshops, roundtables and keynote addresses is an essential part of your conference experience. If you’re staying on-site in a hotel room, you can leave some of the essentials in your room for part of the day. But you also don’t want to waste valuable networking time running back and forth to your room.

Did you notice that crafts/ebook is included in the blogger bag section? If you create physical products, bring them to a conference as well. Show them to your blogging colleagues if you’d like them to review them or host a giveaway.

Comment below: Did we leave anything off the list? What have you left at home during a blogging conference and had to buy/borrow on-site? Do you pack and extra bag to ship or carry your swag home?

Once you get home from the blogging conference, there’s even more work to do on the action items your brand/blog needs. Check out the After the Blogging Conference To-Do List for even more advice!

After the Blogging Conference To-Do List ~

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