Six Effective LinkedIn Strategies for Bloggers in 2014

Effective LinkedIn Strategies for Bloggers in 2014:via @NicheParent #NicheParent #Bloggers #socialmedia

This is the time of year when bloggers are laying out their strategy for getting new paid opportunities and growing their professional network.  What part of that strategy should include LinkedIn?  If you’re a blogger looking to get in front of, or  form new relationships with brand or agency reps in decision making positions then LinkedIn should be at the forefront of  your plans to make 2014 a profitable one.

LinkedIn was one of the fastest growing social networks in 2013 with  someone new joining LinkedIn every two seconds. If you’re only passively involved on the network, it’s time you step up your game. 

Personally, I have landed two clients through LinkedIn. One that has been a repeat client. Angela Bickford, a blogger and Communications Specialist, used LinkedIn to get hired for multiple opportunities that were available through this virtual network. “LinkedIn has been beneficial in many ways, but the biggest plus has been seeing actual, paid work come out of the connections I’ve made. I landed an editing contract this way. The client searched her friends who knew someone with editing experience; I was not even a 2nd connection, but a 3rd!

How can bloggers use LinkedIn effectively in 2014? Here are Six tips for making the most of LinkedIn in 2014.

1. Make a Personal Connection. Let’s start with the way that you are connecting with people on LinkedIn. You have probably read numerous articles or heard many panelists at conferences advise users to customize your LinkedIn invitations. Yet, you continue to receive the default invitation request. Consider this, the handful of times I received a personal invitation by someone I can assure you that I paused and took a moment to review the person’s profile and company pages. More importantly, when I send a personal note my profile is viewed at a higher rate than if I did not. Having my profile reviewed is the first step in starting to make deeper connections and sets me apart from the hundreds of other connections that this person has.

The personal invitation should be brief since LinkedIn caps invitations at 250 characters. For example: “Hi X. We {met/spoke] at [networking event]. Just wanted to connect here as well. Since we’re in complementary industries, I’d love to brainstorm and see how we can be of service to each other. Do you have time for coffee or a phone call in the next two weeks?”

2. Include Key Words in Your Headline Profile. First, make sure your profile is complete and be sure you include your websites links and social profiles when you do so. Also, make sure you  have opted to have your profile visible to everyone in a public search. Next, focus on your headline. It is one of the most important sections of your profile. Rather than stating your position and job title, your headline should list key words for what you do. LinkedIn will automatically include your current job title and employer in your headline and updates with this info every time you add a new job.

Example of Good Headline: Social Media Strategist, Social Media Consultant, Award Winning Blogger, Speaker.

Example of Headline That Needs to be Revised: Media Manager for XYZ, Inc.

3. Start or Keep a Dialogue Going With Potential Partners/Clients. If someone takes the time to shoot you a personal invite, take a moment to send them a note back thanking them for connecting. Also, whenever you meet someone at a networking event or conference, follow up immediately by connecting with them on LinkedIn. Next, invite that person for a cup  of coffee or try to schedule a phone call where the two of you can brain storm ideas to work together or serve as a resource to each other.

4. Use LinkedIn to research contacts. Over 75%  of people on LinkedIn are already using it to research people and companies. Research companies that you’re interested in aligning with and introduce yourself to an account representative, public relations specialist, or community relations person. To find companies on LinkedIn, go to Interests tab, companies, and then start researching. When you make your selection, you can see how many employees that company has on LinkedIn. From there, you can begin to connect and open doors.

5. Share your content on LinkedIn to position yourself as an expert or leader in your nicheAnanda Leek, Social Media Strategist,  Community Manager, and author started using LinkedIn  more last year to distribute her blog content to a wider audience. Ananda shares that  “[a]s a result, I was able to drive more traffic to my blog and connect with new readers who live on LinkedIn.” Posting your content not only helps drive traffic to your website but also exposes your website to new people when that content is liked or shared by others.

6. Ask for Recommendations From Previous Clients or Colleagues. Recommendations and testimonials go a long way with individuals looking to hire or contract someone for a project or job. Once you complete a project or assignment, ask that person to recommend you on LinkedIn. You can request the recommendation through LinkedIn or by sending someone an email with your profile and the personal request. As with #1 above, when you can make it personal, do so. It goes a long way for getting results.

For more tips on LinkedIn, check out its blog. A great resource for LinkedIn news and updates but also tips for business success, networking, and entrepreneurship.

How do you plan to use LinkedIn in 2014?  

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