Monday Member Spotlight – Teresa Foskey

Teresa Foskey, is an inspiration to all moms trying to balance it all!  In addition to being an active blogger, Teresa works with nonprofit groups in her home town and is currently pursuing her master’s degree in Social Work. Born in Salisbury, Maryland, growing up, Teresa always wanted to be a Social Worker, although she didn’t really know what the title was.  She just knew that she wanted to help others.  In 2010, she graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University, Cum Laude, with a degree in Social Work. Read on to find out more about her blogging career and aspirations!

Niche Mommy (NM): What influenced you to start blogging and why?
Teresa Foskey (TF): What influenced me to become a blogger was that illusion that so many women have that they have to be perfect and my desire to dispel this myth. I wanted to share my struggles and triumphs with other moms so that they could let go of the self-imposed guilt and depression that comes from trying to be the perfect wife and mother. I hope that through my sharing frankly, what parenthood is really like, that they will take a deep breath and enjoy their life. That is also why I named my blog Making It All Work because that is what we do every day as women, whether we know it or not.

NM: What’s your cure for writer’s block?
TF: My cure for writers block is going to news sites and seeing what’s going on in the world. Usually some article will come up about something I am passionate about and the words just flow out!

NM: What on your resume are you most proud of?
TF: Graduating Cum Laude. Graduating with such high honors during my senior year was such an accomplishment for many reasons. That year my husband’s job changed and he relocated to Philadelphia while I stayed in Florida to finish school. So for all intense and purposes, I was a single mother of 5 kids for a whole year. It was very stressful but I was determined to graduate.  So getting this honor was like icing on the cake and proved that I could do anything that I put my mind too.

NM: What are your hobbies?
TF: I LOVE to thrift store shop. Is that a hobby? LOL I am so lucky to have some amazing thrift store within a 15 mile radius of my house. I like to go make my rounds once a week (or more) to see what’s there. I have gotten some FANTASTIC bargains. My kids even love to go. Their allowance goes way farther at the thrift store then the mall!

NM: What is the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
TF: Does getting the kids up, ready for school and out the door on time WITHOUT coffee sound dangerous? LMAO

NM: Why did you join The Niche Mommy Network?
TF: I joined Niche Mommy after a recommendation from a friend. When I went and checked out the site I loved that it was a place that encouraged everyone regardless of race, color or nationality. As a social worker, it drew me in and it has been the second best thing I have done since becoming a blogger. The first would be going to the Niche Mommy Conference in New Orleans.

NM: What’s on your bucket list?
TF: I want to go to Italy, Greece, Spain and Australia. I really want to see the world. Then maybe Skydive, but my fear of highs may not let that one happen. Oh and I really want to do a second wedding with my husband because the first one was, how should I put it…..less than stellar (the only good thing was that I married my best friend). LOL

NM: Where are you going on vacation in 2012?
TF: This year I traveled a lot for blogging conferences and commitments. Next year I think it will be more the same. I do hope to do a family cruise sometime in August or September.

NM: If you were a hero, what would your special power be?
TF: Growing up I always wanted to be Samantha from Be Witched because she could just snap her fingers and be anywhere she wanted whether it was the past or present. So that would be the power I would want even though I guess technically she wasn’t a hero.

NM: If you were transformed into any animal what would it be?
TF: A Dolphin! Not only are they extremely smart but they get to swim all day. I love the water. It is where I go to relax and find peace.

NM: Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
TF: The chicken. You can’t have an egg without a chicken.

NM: If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring?  
TF: The biggest roll of Duct Tape in the world (You can do sooooo much with it), my family and plenty of seeds to grow food. (I must note my husband said that I should say a boat so we could get off the island!)

NM: Mac or PC?
TF: Hmm I’ve only ever had a PC but I would love a Mac if someone wants me review it!

Connect with Teresa @MakeItAllWork and on Facebook she would love to hear from you!

If you would like to featured as a Niche Mommy network member spotlight please be sure to email Greta at

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