#NaturalDay is February 13, 2014. Tomorrow night, we’re getting together to use social media to help raise awareness for this great movement about this important day. Join us February 12 at 9 pm EST for a Twitter chat to celebrate our own definition of what natural beauty means. Whether that means going without a wig, skipping make up, or letting go of any insecurities you may have about your body or self worth, we want everyone to feel beautiful inside and out, just the way they are. Click below to watch Sanah’s heartfelt story.
We’re all in and I hope you are too! RSVP Here then Click to Tweet and invite others! I’m going natural with @SanahJivani on #NaturalDay! Will you join the movement? RSVP here http://wp.me/p1YBrj-16g
“Be your own definition of beauty” – Sanah Jivani.
Go to http://westophate.org/natural-day/ for more details.
FOLLOW @SanahJivani on Twitter Tweet using #naturalday
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