How to be a Supportive Member of a Blogging Tribe

How to be a Supportive Member of a Blogging Tribe ~

A supportive blogging tribe can make all the difference in your journey to get your burning questions answered. Ask an experienced blogger and they’ll probably share a story of how a blogging tribe (or blogging group) helped them establish brand relationships, get more traffic or build an audience.  Your fellow bloggers can also answer your burning questions about plugins or pitch letters. Once you’re in a tribe, how do you make sure you’ve a giver and not just a taker? Keep reading to learn how to be a supportive member of a blogging tribe.

What is a blogging tribe?

A blogging tribe is an online or in-person blogging community/group that supports members and answers questions. Your tribe could be focused on one niche/topic or a general group with members who write about a variety of topics.

The influential network of diverse and multicultural parent bloggers.

Where do you find a blogging tribe?

  • Private or Secret Facebook groups
  • Blogging networks like the Niche Parent Conference and Network (Get the network e-newsletter.)
  • Blogging conference like #NicheParent14
  • Meetup groups
  • State or local blogging group
  • Create your own

You’ve found a group, met a few folks and are learning the lay of the land. Now what?

Observe – This is especially true if you’re new to a blogging tribe. Sit back, observe and learn the culture of this group.

Celebrate – When a member reaches a major milestone, get a sponsorship or launches an initiative, be sure celebrate with them. You can do this within your tribe and on your social profiles.

Honesty – Point out members’ strengths, as well as areas to grow, only when asked. Be honest about yourself too. Share what you’ve learned on your blogging journey.

Trust – Once you’ve spent some time in your blogging tribe, put yourself out there. Ask a question and have faith that someone in the group will guide you with an answer.

Collaborate – If you see an opportunity to work with a fellow member of your blogging tribe, talk about collaborating on a project or series.

Comment below: What works well in your blogging tribes? How have you supported your fellow members? What blogging tribes do you belong to?

Thanks to the Niche Parent network, our tribe includes conference ambassadors who will be hosting local blogging events leading up to #NicheParent14 in October.

Niche Parent Ambassadors

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