Weekend Recap of #ElfBirthday Events in Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York

Weekend Recap of #ElfBirthday Events  in  Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York

Niche Parent proudly presented a weekend of blogger meet-up events in Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York Saturday, August 9th featuring the family behind The Elf of the Shelf traditions. Influencers learned how one Georgia family’s Christmas tradition launched in 2004, then expanded across the world to include The Elf of the Shelf: A Birthday Tradition in 2013 and an upcoming project for pets to be released later this year.

In 2004, twin sisters Chanda Bell and Christi Pitts, along with their mother, Carol Aebersold, self-published The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition book. The story of the magical elf who arrives for the Christmas holiday and reports to Santa who’s naughty and nice, started without a business or marketing plan. The family’s efforts were truly grassroots. They sold the books at pop-up events and festivals and managed to sell a “concept” to many. In less than 10 years the company has grown to over 50 full-time employees and an entire product line.

This weekend Chanda, Christi, and Carol spread out across the country for the Blogger Meetup events to tell their story, as well as to showcase The Elf of the Shelf: A Birthday Tradition, the birthday countdown calendar, and birthday chair decoration kit. Each attendee received a gift bag with the items to share the Birthday Tradition with their own families. Influencers attended events at The Coop LA, Dylan’s Candy Bar, New York City, and A Piece of Cake, Atlanta.

Elf Christmas Tradition


In the Big Apple, Co-CEO Christa Pitts spoke to New York-area bloggers and showcased how the Elf birthday accessories can become a part your family’s celebrations.

Niche Parent Network Influencers celebrated The Elf on The Shelf: A Birthday Tradition across the United States.

Photo Credit: Heels & Rattles

Read more about the event from Eileen of MommyTeaches and Adanna from RattlesAndHeels.com.


Co-CEO  and co-author Chanda Bell spoke to Atlanta bloggers about the company’s growing pains and eventual success. Chanda also reminded moms that “having it all is a myth” and to grow where you’re planted.

Niche Parent Influencers celebrated The Elf on The Shelf: A Birthday Tradition across the United States.

Read more Atlanta coverage from Kia of CincoMom.com and Lou from ProductReviewMom.com.


In Los Angeles, co-author Carol Aebersold was the guest speaker.


Carol, Christa and Chanda believe in giving back. For each The Elf Birthday: A Birthday Tradition book sold, $1 goes to Charitywater.org, a world-wide effort to bring fresh drinking water to underprivileged areas in Africa.

Weekend Recap: #ElfBirthday Events in Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York ~ TheNicheParent.com

Holiday gift lovers and gift guide pros will also love the Toy & Gift Expo at Niche Parent 14 conference, October 16-18 at the Walt Disney World Resort.

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