10+ Ideas to Celebrate Your Blog Anniversary 

A fun way to engage with your audience each year is to celebrate your blog anniversary. Don’t worry if you didn’t start with your first anniversary, you can start celebrating anytime. If you’d like to try some of these ideas, you’ll need two months or more to plan ahead for events and giveaways.

10+ Ideas to Celebrate Your Blog Anniversary

Blog Anniversary Ideas

1. Host a giveaway

Think of your favorite things or local/regional gift ideas to giveaway to your audience. Ask your favorite brands and PR contacts for help getting the items, as well as creating giveaway entries that are mutually beneficial.

If you’re working on growing an audience on Twitter, for example, require a tweet to enter to win.

2. Host a local event

Partner with your favorite store or venue to invite your viewers and blogging buddies to an in-person blog anniversary event.

3. Answer revealing questions

Tell your audience something they wouldn’t normally know about you like how you met your spouse, a fond childhood memory, or your worst/best job interview.

4. Produce an About Me Video

Let your audience see you and get to know you in an About Me video.

One easy idea is to show “a day in the life of a blogger” or a “a day in the life of a social media manager.”

5. Launch a hashtag or new blog category

If there’s a topic you’ve been dying to tackle on your blog, create a unique hashtag or

6. Release a book

You no longer need a major publishing book deal to release a book. Use CreateSpace and even Word to create a PDF file of you book.




7. Create an Ecourse

Add an income stream and connect with your audience by showcasing your expertise with an Ecourse. Offer subscribers an opportunity to enroll first and at an exclusive discount, before releasing it to everyone else.

8. Post an income report

Give your audience a behind the scenes look at what you do and how much you make as a blogger by publishing your income report.

RELATED TOPIC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Blogger Income Reports

9. Share Your Yearly Goals

Create a bucket list of  what you’d like to accomplish with your blog for the coming year.

10. Collaborate with other bloggers

Interview some of your favorite bloggers on their expertise. Showcase it with live and edited video content.

Host a link party or round up for content you know your audience will love.

11. Redesign your blog

Hire a designer to create a logo or do a custom redesign to celebrate your blog anniversary.

12. Get new head shots and promotional photos

Hire a professional photographer to take new headshot and promotional photos for you blog.

Comment below: How have you celebrated your blog anniversary? Tell us how your audience has engaged with you when you mark an annual milestone.

Click to Tweet: Here are 10+ Ideas to Celebrate Your Blog Anniversary via @TheNetworkNiche

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