Sharing the Vision With 100 Black Men of America

Ed Reform Chat

Tonight we invite you to join us as we power another awesome Twitter chat! Our host for tonight is 100 Black Men of America, Inc. The mission of the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. is to improve the quality of life within our communities and enhance educational and economic opportunities for all African Americans.  Each year,  The 100 hosts a national conference. This year’s conference starts today and will be held at the Westin Diplomat in Ft. Lauderdale (#NicheParent13’s venue last year!). We’ll help The 100 kick off its 28th National Conference with a powerful discussion on education reform, mentoring, and HIV/AIDS awareness and education.

We will be giving away $300.00 in prizes during our chat. RSVP on Facebook to be eligible to win one of several gift cards,$25.00, $50.00, and $100.00! Up to 7 winners will be named!


Our co-hosts are: Lamar Tyler of @BlackandMarriedJose Vilson of @TheJLVSabrina Joy Stevens of @TeacherSabrinaBe sure to follow them so that you don’t miss a thing. 

Joining us tonight? Tweet to your audience and you may be our first winner for showing us some pre-chat love!

Click to Tweet: “Join me for the ‪#‎100BMOAChat‬ w/@NicheParent 6/12 7pm ET, $300 in prizes! RSVP”

Event Details:

Host: 100 Black Men of America, Inc. @100BlackMen
Event Hashtag: #100BMOAChat
Twubs Page:
Time: 7-9pm ET
Topics: Education reform/inequality, Mentoring, HIV/AIDS awareness/prevention.
RSVP link and page to share with your audiences:




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