6 Tips for Managing Multiple Blogs Without Getting Overwhelmed

Once you’ve launched a successful blog, you may notice that your interests change over time. Maybe your parenting blog doesn’t motivate you since your children are getting older. Are you getting more questions about the business of blogging that you’d like to share, but it’s not a good fit to answer them on your lifestyle blog?  It’s important not to confuse your audience by sharing off topic content. Consider whether it’s time to create another WordPress blog and accompanying social media profiles. If you’re thinking about managing multiple blogs, you’ll want to keep reading this advice from our community members who are successful at it. They’re all rocking multiple blogs without getting overwhelmed.

1. Follow Your Heart

Many influencers launch additional blogs because their passions grow like all of the community members we surveyed.

Ari Adams runs Love Peace and Tiny Feet along with four other blogs for social media consulting, deals, travel and fitness.

She says, “Since Saver in the City focused more on deals and coupons, I really wanted to create an outlet that was less restrictive and would allow me to share more of myself and my lifestyle. Love, Peace and Tiny Feet is where I get to truly share my journey through parenthood, holistic living, travels, and more.”

Diane Hoffmaster runs four blogs, but her two prominent blogs are Turning the Clock Back, with a healthy/green living focus and Suburbia Unwrapped, a lifestyle blog.

Diane recalls, “I started my first blog for passion.  I wanted to show people that going green and getting healthy didn’t have to be hard.  I wanted to educate people and was actually surprised when it started earning money.  When I realized how much MORE I could make with a lifestyle blog, I started that one for money.”

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2. Use Virtual Assistants & Contributors

Creating content, images and promoting blog content for multiple sites can be overwhelming. Many managers of multiple blogs hire virtual assistants and contributors to handle day-to-day tasks.

Ari pointed out, “While I am a firm believer that we can accomplish many things, we can’t do them all at the exact same time.  While I maintain Love, Peace and Tiny Feet as a #1 priority, I designate certain days to focus on each of the other sites, set up automation, schedule posts, etc.  I also elicit the help of virtual assistants to help me out with the tasks that can be designated elsewhere.”

Danyelle Little runs The Cubicle Chick (TCC) lifestyle/career blog and recently launched a healthy food blog, Life Well Eaten.

She emphasizes, “I have a social media manager for TCC who does a lot of the heavy lifting. I also have contributors on both sites to help me develop high quality content that audiences respond to. I am very grateful for their help.”

Marie Denee runs The Curvy Fashionista, a blog for her fashion events and another blog under her name.

For Marie, “A team is vital to consistent growth! They help with writing, social media execution, and marketing. Whether its posting on social, tracking stats, or engaging readers, the team helps the machine move forward.”

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3. Promote from Popular Account

For a brand new blog it can be hard to get new visitors, followers and subscribers. One way to grow your newest blog is to promote it from the more popular, bigger blog.

Danyelle Little pointed out that “TheCubicleChick.com has larger numbers than Life Well Eaten, so I distribute new content through that channel as well. I typically post new content for TCC in the AM and new content for Life Well Eaten in the PM, which allows me to promote everything evenly.”

4. Cross Promote & Pitch

When it comes to monetizing blogs, having more than one site to pitch to brands can help grow your income. Many bloggers launch an additional site once they notice a profitable niche they’d like to enter.

Marie Denee realized she wasn’t doing enough cross promoting across her blogs and was re-evaluating ways to accomplish it.

Danyelle says “When I get pitches that are lower in money or serve a specific food audience, I pitch Life Well Eaten. It’s a new and growing brand. When I get higher paying projects that are within the scope of The Cubicle Chick,  I will offer a two for one type of proposition that will spread the content in two different ways on two different sites for one price. That model seems to be working.”

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5. Prioritize

One of the benefits of blogging is creating your own flexible work hours. Once you start adding on the demands of managing multiple blogs, overwhelm can creep in unless you prioritize. Don’t get burned out!

Diane shared her work-life perspective for blogging on multiple sites:  “The things that help me stay sane are the support of my family and my own ability to walk away from my computer when I need to.  Multiple blogs can be overwhelming.  I have four but only two get the attention I really want to give them. However, I refuse to let blogging affect my health, my sanity or my family time.”

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6. Invest in Tools

Free blogging tools allow you to schedule social shares, but require paid options once you manage multiple profiles. Invest in your tools so you can work more efficiently to promote blog content. We asked our influencers to fill in the blank:

I could not run multiple blogs without _______.

Ari said,  “I could not run multiple blogs without using virtual assistants, Hootsuite and Revive Old Posts plugin (formerly Tweet Old Post).

Danyelle said “My team and my business partner. They are essential to my secret sauce.”

Marie said “I’m using an editorial calendar, CoSchedule, and various automation tools. So my number one tip is organization and strategy!”

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Comment below: If you are considering launching a second or third blog what is your motivation to do it? If you already manage multiple blogs, what are the  benefits and drawbacks?

6 Tips for Managing Multiple Blogs Without Getting Overwhelmed


See the CoSchedule post, Should You Have Multiple Blogs, for even more insight on how its content and sharing tools can help grow your following.

Join our network of more than 2,200 diverse influencers.

If you manage more than one blog and would like them considered for sponsored campaigns, please include that in your profile as a Network Niche influencer. 

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