6 Focus Areas for Your Annual Blog Review

6 Focus Areas for Your Annual Blog Review ~ TheNicheParent.com

As you look ahead to the New Year, it’s the perfect time to give yourself an annual blog review. Much like in any workplace, the end of the year is a good time to review what strategies worked and didn’t work. For your blog,  this will mean spending some time assessing the growth of your community, readership, and followers on social media.

Here are six areas where you can focus your attention when evaluating how far you’ve come and where you’re going next.

Annual Blog Review

1. Look & Design

You want your blog’s look and design to be pleasing to the eye, as well as easy to navigate. At least once a year you should consider these areas:

  • Would you like an updated logo or tagline?
  • Consider a blog redesign, update, changing your widget layout or adding a slider.
  • Would new plugins help your blog look more professional? Do old plugins need to be updated?
  • If you’ve changed your hair color, lost/gained weight, or made a major physical change – it’s time for a new professional headshot. And while your uploading your headshot, make sure your bio is still current.  Have you moved, did you work with a new client or were you selected to serve as an ambassador?  Are there any recent awards you should include?
  • Does your business card design match your blog design and include your new head shot?

2. Tools & Technology

End of the year is a great time to invest in some new technology. You can’t beat the deals and you can write off the expenses as you do your taxes.

  • Is it time to upgrade your still camera? Sometimes a new lens will make a huge difference.
  • Do you have the necessary equipment to produce professional video blogs or start a podcast?
  • Has any of your equipment broken and need to be replaced?

3. Revenue

  • What was your largest source or revenue? Sponsored posts, ambassadorships, freelance writing etc.? How can you expand this in the new year?
  • Can you create a new digital product to sell? Does your current digital product need an upgrade?
  • Are you ready for upcoming tax season? Start organizing your files, payments, receipts if you have not been doing this all year long.

4. Collaborations & Team Building

In the new year, your focus should be on working smarter, not harder.

  • Are there tasks or duties you can assign to a virtual assistant?
  • Have you expanded or created a tribe of like-minded bloggers? Have you been a supportive member of your current blogging tribe?
  • How can a strategic partnership help you develop a webinar, e-course or other revenue-generating venture?

5. Blog Traffic & Social Media Followers

  • Use your Google Analytics dashboard or traffic tool to look at your traffic/reach from one year ago.
  • How have your social media followers grown in the last year?
  • Which social media particular platform showed the most growth? Consider focusing your attention there.
  • Find at least five of your most popular posts of the year. Can you create related/similar content?

6. Review Past Consulting/Freelancing Gigs and Asses Opportunities for New Business 

  • How has your client list changed in the last year?
  • Do you have a new skill or offering your clients need?
  • Send your clients a holiday card then touch base in the new year to see how you can help them in 2015.

Did you celebrate your “blogiversary” this year? If you didn’t, consider an end of the year giveaway, create a free download or printable, write a “look back” post or recap of some of your most popular posts. It’s an easy way to thank your readers while also getting new or additional exposure for something you have already written.


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