30+ Back to School Blog Post Ideas

Some of the most popular search terms for August and September are for back to school topics. Here are some suggestions to help you create back to school blog post ideas that will show your audience you’re an expert and can provide solutions.

30+ Back to School Blog Post Ideas

Summer Slump

Educators describe the summer slump as the skills students often lose because they’re not regularly using them in class.

1. Preventing/Recovering from Summer Slump

2. Setting School Year Goals

3. End of Summer Reading Lists

Before School Starts

Prepping for back to school starts months before the school bell rings.

4. School Registration & Forms

5. Emergency Contacts

6. Adjusting Bedtime Routine

7. Adjusting to Christian School,  Charter School,  Unschooling, Home school

8. How to Get the Most of or School Tours/Meet the Teacher Night

Back to School Shopping

Forbes estimates back to school spending for parents can exceed $1,000 on average. How can you help them save and avoid the urge to splurge? Reminder: Use your affiliate links to sites to Amazon to help earn referral income.

9. Coupons & Deals

10. Shopping checklists

11. Freebies

12. Donation Drives

13. Tax Free shopping weekends

14. School Uniforms

15. School Supplies

June Blog Post Ideas

School Lunch

“You are what you eat” is a common theme for healthy living. How can parents keep children energized and healthy while they’re in school?

16. Lunch Box Product Reviews

17. Lunch Box Note Ideas

18. Lunch Meal Planning

19. Healthy Snacks

20. Allergen-Friendly Snacks

21. Teaching Kids to Make Their Own Lunch

Blogger Outreach Campaigns – Why Are They Important for Your Brand


The Parent Teacher Association is a backbone of any school. Whether parents are a member or office holder, communicating with the PTA is imperative.

21. Most Successful School fundraisers

22. School schedules – year round school, school-year vacations

23. Tools & Apps for Organizing School Events

24. Best Practices for Writing Teacher Notes

25. Do’s & Don’ts for Room Parents


26.  Completing Sports Exams

27. Healthy Sports Snacks

28. Preventing Sports Injuries

29. Saving on Sports Equipment

30. Sports Competitiveness

School Bus

School Transportation

How will children get to school,  get to after school activities and get home safely. Carpools and buses

31. Navigating Carpool Groups

32. Learning School Bus Routes

33. Teaching Your Children School Bus Safety

34. How to Access School Bus Inspections in Your State

Comment below: Have you created a series of back to school blog post ideas? Do you plan to repurpose your blog’s content into a Facebook Live event or Podcast? Have you pitched any brands to host a Back to School Twitter Party?

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