Monday Member Spotlight – Gina Pomponio

Gina Pomponio Fashion Blogger

Gina Pomponio, now a Stella & Dot Independent Stylist, founding editor of Mommy Posh, Zumba instructor and stay at home mom, after 10 years of working in the fashion and beauty industry, as if becoming a parent just simply wasn’t enough.

Niche Mommy (NM): What influenced you to start blogging and why?
Gina Pomponio (GP): In 2009, I created Mommy Posh when I was pregnant with my son.  It first started off as an online diary for expecting moms, I would share weekly status reports on the evolution of my belly bump, from cravings to fashion tips. Now three years later, Mommy Posh is a daily style blog covering everything from fashion to fitness and has been featured on amazing fashion and parenting sites.

NM: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why?
GP: Because of my love for fashion and celebrities, I always thought I would be a great Celebrity Fashion Stylist.

NM: Name someone who has had an impact on your life and how?
GP: My family…my husband encourages me to take risk and my son makes me an overall better person.

NM: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
GP: Being a fuller version of who I am right now.

NM: What on your resume are you most proud of?
GP: Being featured on amazing fashion and parenting sites, such as Kohl’s, ShopStyle, Lucky Magazine and  much more. Also, being awarded as the Top 25 Mom Bloggers In New York.

NM: Do you have any hidden talents?
GP: My husband would say… spending money.

NM: Why did you join The Niche Mommy Network?
GP: I love joining communities where I can express my ideas and share my blog advice freely while being exposed to brands, this which makes the Niche Mommy Network that unique.

NM: What’s on your bucket list?
GP: To turn my blog into a book.

NM: What is your favorite restaurant and what do you get?
GP: My mom’s kitchen…there is nothing like eating your mom’s cooking, no matter how old you get.  My mom is Latin, so anything from rice and beans to stew chicken is a hit.

NM: What is your greatest fear?
GP: Failing as a wife and mom.

NM: Money is not a problem for you, where would you visit and why?
GP: Greece, from the food, culture and beautiful people, what is there not to love.

NM: What is one gift that you would like to unwrap Christmas morning?
GP: I am in need of a new camera…so a Canon DSLR camera, would be pefect to capture inspirstaions as a blogger and capture my children’s first.

NM: Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
GP: The egg..its a seed for life.

NM: If you could have dinner with any three people, who would they be?
GP: First President Barrack Obama, cause he just so likeable, then The Wayans Brothers, I love their movies, they don’t take themselves seriously, which I love  then my favorite, Rachel Zoe, a dinner date would not be enough, I would love to spend an entire day with her, learning and picking her brain on fashion and celebrities.

NM: Coke or Pepsi?
GP: By far, Pepsi.

Connect with Gina at @mommyposh, on Facebook, and on Pinterest she would love to hear from you!

If you would like to featured as a Niche Mommy network member spotlight please be sure to email Greta at

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