News & Article

The latest news & trends in influencer marketing, to help you select the right influencers and run your campaigns successfully.

Blogging TIps

5 Places to Save Smartphone Photos and Free Up Space

If we asked our community members what piece of equipment they use most to create content, their smartphones would be the number one answer. But the average iPhone users buy one with 16 to 32 gigabytes of memory. (Yes, you can buy up to 256 gigabytes at

Blogging TIps

5 Places to Save Smartphone Photos and Free Up Space

If we asked our community members what piece of equipment they use most to create content, their smartphones would be the number one answer. But the average iPhone users buy one with 16 to 32 gigabytes of memory. (Yes, you can buy up to 256 gigabytes at

Blogging TIps

What is a Micro-Influencer? They’re Small, But Mighty

Every year it seems the blogosphere creates a new industry term. Mommy bloggers are now parenting experts. Food bloggers are now recipe creators. For 2018, the breakout industry term has been: micro-influencer. Even Forbes magazine projected micro-influencers are the future of marketing. We’ll break down

Blogging TIps

What is a Micro-Influencer? They’re Small, But Mighty

Every year it seems the blogosphere creates a new industry term. Mommy bloggers are now parenting experts. Food bloggers are now recipe creators. For 2018, the breakout industry term has been: micro-influencer. Even Forbes magazine projected micro-influencers are the future of marketing. We’ll break down

Blogging TIps

3 Effective Job Hunting Tips for Bloggers

Have you ever had that uncomfortable conversation of explaining to what you do professionally as a blogger? Blogging can be a career if you choose. It can also lead to a steady freelance gig or even a full-time job at a marketing firm. Brands and

Blogging TIps

3 Effective Job Hunting Tips for Bloggers

Have you ever had that uncomfortable conversation of explaining to what you do professionally as a blogger? Blogging can be a career if you choose. It can also lead to a steady freelance gig or even a full-time job at a marketing firm. Brands and

Blogging TIps

Wrote a Viral Blog Post? Here’s How to Maximize Its Page Views

Few things make a content creator happier than finding out a blog post they’ve written has gone viral. In case you don’t know, viral blog posts are shared thousands of times and bring in an unusually high number of visitors. Perhaps the post was shared in

Blogging TIps

Wrote a Viral Blog Post? Here’s How to Maximize Its Page Views

Few things make a content creator happier than finding out a blog post they’ve written has gone viral. In case you don’t know, viral blog posts are shared thousands of times and bring in an unusually high number of visitors. Perhaps the post was shared in

Blogging TIps

3 Creative Ways Bloggers and Small Businesses Can Work Together

While our network typically connects bloggers with large brands like HP, McDonald’s and Home Depot we know that bloggers often work with small and growing businesses.  When a small business opens, its marketing expertise may be limited. By reaching out to local bloggers and micro influencers, small

Blogging TIps

3 Creative Ways Bloggers and Small Businesses Can Work Together

While our network typically connects bloggers with large brands like HP, McDonald’s and Home Depot we know that bloggers often work with small and growing businesses.  When a small business opens, its marketing expertise may be limited. By reaching out to local bloggers and micro influencers, small