The Ultimate Gift Guide Resource!

A Collection of Holiday Gift Guides for everyone on your list via @NicheParent

Our Niche Parent Community members have been really busy these last few weeks testing, researching, and crowd sourcing ideas in preparation for  the best gift ideas for children, parents, techies, and more.

We’ve collected guides  from our network to help those of us (myself included!) wanting to gift the best in toys, technology, electronics, beauty and more.  We’re also featuring gift guides for some of our hard to shop for family friends like tweens and teens. Let’s not forget the niche guides as well! Have a runner or a traveler in your family? There’s a guide for them too!

Grab some coffee, kick up your heals! Stop by there blogs and finish off your holiday shopping!

A Collection of Gift Guides From Around the Blogging Community

Holiday Gift Guide for Teens & TweensShopping for Tweens or Teens can be so hard.  These are great gift ideas by Helicopter Mom and just Plane Dad that won’t break the bank.


Gifts For Teens and Tweens

5 Perfect Beauty Gifts Under $50. Who said beauty has to be expensive? These beauty gifts from Gaby at range from brushes, perfumes, makeup and more.

5 Techy Gifts You’ll Love (giveaway).  Not very techy? put together a guide featuring all her favorite tech gadgets.

GUBmas Holiday Gift Guide 2013. returns with another holiday gift guide featuring gifts for kids, mom and dad.

Gift Guide for Runners. Have a runner on your list? has put together gift ideas for runners are sure to be medal worthy.

Gift guide for Kids. This guide by includes super fun gifts  that will make any child’s Christmas morning a memorable one.

Growing Up Giving. Having Conversations with Children about Charitable Giving.  Ideas that will help foster philanthropy in children. This guide features the work of talented Haitian artists that are part of the HeartofHaiti initiative.

Fun to Fabulous, Unique to Unusual and Great Green Gift Guide by This guide includes a free printable shopping list to help you with your holiday shopping needs!

MommyMaestra’s Holiday Gift GuideGift ideas featuring the best in fun, educational products for kids are in this guide by educational blogger,

Celebrate Carter Fundraiser.  Annual Holiday Gift Catalog. Portions of the proceeds from this fundraiser by will honor a son lost by Angela Bickford. Fundraiser will help raise money for preemie and loss communities.

Gifts for All Ages. This guide gives unique gift ideas for experiences or reusable items resourced by The Education of a Stay at Home Mom.

Fashionable Gift Guide by helps anyone still needing to buy gifts for their girlfriend, bridesmaid, wife, or younger sister.

Trendy Holiday Gift Guide features the trendiest toys, gadgets, home accessories and more! Great pictures of each product featured by Trendy Mom Reviews!

Gift Guide for Travelers. Travel blogger Tonya from put together a great list of gift ideas specifically with the family traveler in mind.  

Experience the Season Gift Ideas. Get inspired by this guide from One Lyfe at a Time. This guide features gift ideas that will help create experiences for families, spouses, or children rather than focusing on material items.

24/7 Modern Mom™ Holiday Gift Guide.  Not sure what to buy for the friends, family, kids, and moms on your list? Check out the comprehensive guide by 24/7 Modern Mom™ for several great ideas including where to find them!

Are you a Niche Parent Network community member that wants to feature your guide? Send email to nadia(at)thenicheparentdotcom and we’ll get you featured!

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