Blogging Hot Tip!: Three Simple Ways to Create Stories for Your Blog

Ever struggle with how to continuously create content for your blog? Or how to keep your blog’s content fresh? Engaging?  Well check out this week’s Blogging Hot Tip from Niche Mommy 2012 speaker and content king, Eric Payne of  As Eric puts it, blogging really is more than just writing, but it is about story telling.  

From Blogger To Storyteller To Messenger

I didn’t set out to be a blogger. I actually just wanted to prove that I could write to the powers that be in the publishing world. Maybe then I could get that book deal I coveted in my twenties. But something funny happened along the way: I became a blogger and nowadays I’m told I’m a messenger of sorts on the subject of marriage and family. I am thankful to the heavens above to have the ability to share my experiences in a meaningful way with all of you — The Internet — which both honors my family and serves as inspiration for others. People ask me how this happened. After giving some thought to it I realize the process is quite simple actually.

  • Behind every situation, circumstance, trial, success and failure there is a story.
  • Tell a compelling story and soon you will become a messenger.
  • What originally began as yours will quickly come to life in the minds of everyone who reads you.

If you’re willing (and only if you’re willing), search your life to find your story. You never know, your search may prove to be the story you’ve been after.

To learn more about storytelling and creating compelling content watch my presentation: How To Find And Tell The Story.

Eric is the creator of the award-winning dad blog, Makes Me Wanna Holler – Man, Dad, Husband and has worked on communications and social media projects for a host of big brands such as Coca-Cola, Home Depot, eBay and Bahamas Ministry of Tourism. He is the host of Atlanta social-local-mobile monthly meetup, SocialGrindATL.He believes being content-rich and fostering real relationships via social media are the keys to being successful in the digital space.
Connect with Eric on Twitter at @EPayneTheDad and on Facebook.

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