You probably noticed this trend on Instagram at the end, as well as the beginning of each month. An influencer or influencer network will post a daily blogging challenge, a day-to-day challenge asking you to follow a daily theme in your social shares. What are the benefits of daily blogging challenges? How can it grow your community and engagement? We asked one of our community members who just launched a year-long challenge how it works, so you can host your own in the future.
One of the most popular daily blogging challenges is every November with National Blog Posting Month (#NaBloPoMo) hosted by BlogHer. Bloggers across the world strive to post fresh content every day of the month. They’re encouraged to use the hashtag on their social shares and re-share content.
RELATED TOPIC: See our interview with BlogHer Co-Founder, Elisa Camahort Page
Although it may be hard for one influencer to take a huge project like BlogHer, you can easily do something similar on microblogging platforms like Instagram and Twitter.
Daily blogging challenges can work for any blogging niche (parenting, food, photography or fashion) as a way to increase traffic and engagement.
How to Create Daily Blogging Challenges
Select topics
Set a length (Daily, Monthly or Weekly)
Create a hashtag
Promote & Participate
Community Member Lashawn Wiltz from Everyday Eyecandy has hosted Project 52, a year-long photography project for the last two years. Lashawn told us, “I came up with my ideas by looking at where holidays fell, looking a the seasons, and thinking outside the box for other creative challenges. It took me about a month of really thinking it through to come up with prompts that I felt like everyone could do no matter if you are a novice photographer just starting off or a pro!”
Participants are asked to post a designated themed photo each day on social media, leave positive comments for other participants and use their favorite photo device, from mobile phone to DSLR.
Lashawn points out daily blogging challenges require a lot of promotion to get participation. She’s considering running a Facebook and an Instagram advertisement to reach more influencers.
Related Topic: How to Become an Instant Instagram Star
Comment below: What type of daily blogging challenges could work for your niche? Which platform would be most used by your fellow influencers and
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