Six Tips To Get More Pinterest Traffic & Repins in 2014

Many bloggers have seen an increase in traffic to their sites from Pinterest referrals.  Some have a strategy for getting the traffic, others are still trying to figure it out. If you feel like you have great Pins but no one is repining them or you aren’t sure how to use Pinterest to get you traffic to your website, read on.  I will share a few tips to implement before the year ends that will help you start 2014 strong.  Then, take a look at your Pinterest boards and how you can approach them in 2014. Use these tips to make a plan of action to build more traffic in 2014.

Six Tips To Get More PInterest Traffic in 2014 by Kim Vij

Keep current information pinned at the top.

Take a peek at your current Pinterest Boards, do they reflect where you are right now with your website?  Can a viewer easily find the evergreen content you’ve created for the current season? As an active Pinner who’s accumulated over a million followers on Pinterest, I am focused on building Pinterest Boards that reflect my “voice” and work to build my “authorship” online, I consider it my job to make pinning easy for my followers.  Keep current information pinned at the top of my boards for quick reference.

Depending on how long you’ve been on Pinterest you may have some content on your boards that are not being seen by your followers.  For example we have a Winter Crafts and Activities for Kids with quite a few Pins on It.  I know the average pinner is not going to look through the entire board unless they have a lot of time on their hands which many of us don’t these days. This week my pins are about Christmas but starting next week I’ll start to focus on New Year’s activities since that’s the next holiday coming up.

Have you Considered Repining Your Pins?

It will be two years since I’ve been using Pinterest at The Educators’ Spin On It. Take a look at your boards and see which ones you’d like to focus on now as we kick off 2014.  Keep in mind that at times they don’t all necessarily grow the same.  An easy way to find those older pins is to either use the Search My Pins feature on Pinterest.  Another way is to reduce the size of your view so that you can see many pins at one time.  It’s actually fun to see the trends as you were pinning them last season.  Stop and take a look at what was successful.  Ask yourself is the pin current still?

Create New and Delete

If you have a pin that has tons of repins I would suggest you leave it alone, it’s working don’t touch it.  However, consider another board that it might apply to this season and repin it there.  If you have a pin with very few repins, consider repining that pin and deleting the old one.  (Don’t forget to delete the older pin, no one wants to follow boards that have duplicate pins on it.)  I know it’s hard at first to hit that delete button but trust me on this, no one is seeing it if it’s not in their current Pinterest thread of followers they see, even then they don’t see everything from people they are following.

Repin the Same Content to Multiple Boards Following This Important Rule

Sometimes you might have a pin that will work for multiple Pinterest boards. Did you pin it just once of did you pin it to a separate board?  Go ahead a pin to it the other board but spread out those repins over time.  Typically new followers will not follow a pinner whose new pins are a stream of the same pin on different boards all pinned in one pinning session.  Many active Pinners like to create a spreadsheet to keep track of where their pins are going each month.  You could create a time each day you share that pin you’re trying to promote but be sure that you are pinning current NEW pins in between that to build up your authority in that specific topic you’re pinning about.

Follow the 80/20 Ratio

Successful Pinners with high repins and high number of followers are typically not only pinning their own content but pinning other people’s content. Take a look at your boards and see if they reflect at least an 80/20 ratio of original pins from around the web to your own site.

Call to Action for Pinterest

Lastly if it’s a new season or topic and you’re starting up a new Pinterest Board, let your readers know on all your social media outlets.  Give them a call to action to follow along.  If you’re teaming up with someone to create a Collaborative Board let your readers know too or they will probably miss it unless they specifically click on Follow.

The bottom line is to continue to pin content that you know your followers will be searching for as each season approaches in 2014.  Don’t forget to take a peek at your own website from seasons past and see if your images are Pinterest Ready!

Wishing you a great start to 2014 as you build your Boards and Traffic with Pinterest! 

 About the Author

Kim Vij, Blogger at Educators Spin On It

Kim Vij has created a platform on Pinterest at EducatorsSpinOnIt with over 1.5 Million followers that are for both parents and teachers.  She’s partnered with many of the leading kid bloggers to create powerful boards focused on Parenting and Early Childhood Education. Get to know Kim at The Educators’ Spin On It  and chat with her on Twitter, Google +, Facebook and Pinterest!


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