5 Creative Ways to Honor Black History Month on Your Blog

You can honor Black History Month on your blog in a variety of ways. Although February is the shortest month of the year and often includes a break from school, the contributions of Black Americans can still get the attention they deserve. Check out our suggestion for blog topics that could inspire a series, remind you to share Black History content, follow the #BlackHistoryMonth hashtag and even step out of your comfort zone.

How to Honor Black History Month on Your Blog

5 Creative Ways to Honor Black History Month on Your Blog1. Create a List of Your Favorite Black Influencers

Think of your favorite Black bloggers and what you like about their content,

Remember that Black content creators are represented in all niches. You could create a list of Black bloggers who focus on homeschooling, fashion, travel or entrepreneurship.

Ask your favorite Black bloggers to answer questions. Make sure you ask permission before using their photos. For suggestions, consider some of the content creators we feature regularly in our Influencer Spotlights.

2. Provide a local/regional calendar of Black History events

List the upcoming Black History events on a calendar on your blog.

Create images that are ideal for Pinterest or Instagram. Ask permission and give credit before you use anyone else’s images.

3. Tour a black history cultural center

Which museums and cultural centers celebrate Black History all year long? Take a tour. Interview the director or a tour guide.

A walk through of Black History center would be great content to share on Instastories or a YouTube channel. Your audience can follow along with your visit by taking a virtual tour.

4. Recognize Multicultural Black History

Black History has many layers and complexities. Recognize the variety of the Black experience including Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Hispanic, Afro-Native American and more.

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5. Highlight Historically Black Recipes

There are American foods that are traditionally a part of Black History. To highlight these foods you can interview a local Black chef, visit a Black-owned restaurant or take a cooking class featured cultural foods.

For instance, did you know the history of why some foods are a part of the Black experience? Do you know which fruits and vegetables were grown on the African content first, then brought to the United States, Caribbean and South America?

Additional Suggestion

Follow the #BlackHistoryMonth hashtag on social media for relevant content. Create your own hashtag for your Black History Month coverage.

Comment below: How have you celebrated or remembered Black History Month on your blog or social channels?

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