How Batch Blogging Tasks Can Save Time

Batch Blogging

With the push to not only create more content for your blog, but to promote it on social media as well – blogging can become quite overwhelming.  Bloggers who work full-time jobs often write all of their blog posts on the weekend, schedule them to go live, then handle social sharing throughout that week. Batch blogging is just like cooking multiple batches of cookies. You create an “assembly line” of your tasks, then repeat them over and over in a concentrated chunk of time.  If you’ve ever wanted to work smarter, not harder for your blog consider batching your blogging tasks together.

Shoot multiple vlogs at one time. Instead of coming up with excuses for not creating video blogs, doing them in batches can be productive Get your hair, makeup lighting and background just right. Change your outfit for each video so they look different. Your audience will never know that you produced five videos in one day! Upload them throughout the week or throughout the month.

Video Blogging

Related post: How to get over your fear of video blogging

Create a product review day. Get your entire family in on the action by having a “test drive day” where you try products together. Product reviews answer similar question for your audience: How well does a product work? How can you use a product creatively? What value does this product add to your family’s life? Once you have a blog review template. take several hours or an entire day to create your blog’s product reviews for the month. 

Related Post: 5 ways to write blog posts faster.

Schedule social shares. Thanks to applications like Buffer, Hootsuite and Tweetdeck you can schedule social shares ahead of time. Even Facebook allows you to schedule posts for your fan page. Find a chunk of time to schedule shares of your evergreen content. This is especially helpful while you’re on vacation or attending a blogging conference. Set it and forget it!

Schedule pitch letters. Create a list of brands you’d like to work with. Find the proper contact information for PR firms and media contacts. Write, edit and schedule your pitch letters to go out on a designated date. Keep in mind a lot of people have filled inboxes on Mondays for beginning of the week projects and on Fridays for things they need to wrap up by the end of the week.

Devote a day to freelance projects and clients. For bloggers who’ve branched out to creating content for other outlets, there are even more deadlines to meet. Setting time aside to devote to freelance projects and consulting also helps you properly bill or invoice for per hour work.

Comment below: Have you tried batch blogging to make the most of your time? What keeps you from batching projects together?

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