How to Afford Attending a Blogging Conference

One of the first investments bloggers make in their careers is to attend a blogging conference. If you find a local conference, expenses can be lower. But often they’re held in large cities like New York, Atlanta, Miami or Orlando. If you’re flying from one side of the country to the other, paying for conference fees, food and hotel – it can really add up. Here are some suggestions on how to afford attending a blogging conference.

How to Afford Attending a Blogging Conference

Plan ahead 3-6 Months

Find a list of upcoming blogging conferences and plan ahead to attend them.

Try to buy an early bird priced ticket for a deep discount.

Start planning ahead to land freelance and sponsored post gigs to be able to cover the cost of desired conferences.

You can find a list of blogging conference on the iBlog Magazine site.

Apply to speak or volunteer

Blog conference speakers and volunteers get to attend events for free.

If you’re an expert in a topic, review the advice on how to become a blogging conference speaker.

Look for volunteer and ambassador opportunities where your work on behalf of conference organizers can cover the costs.

If you are an on-site volunteer, keep in mind that you may miss certain conference events due to your responsibilities.

Niche Parent 2013 Conference

Dari Design Studios, Speakers at Niche Parent 2013 .

Get a Roommate

Although conference attendees often get a group discount at the host hotel, you can save even more by going old school and getting a roommate (or two, or three).

Stay at Alternate Hotel

Although all the fun and events are going on at the host hotel, staying a few miles away can save you big bucks.

Factor in travel times for each day you’ll be going from an alternate hotel to the conference site.

Staying at an Airbnb home is another option to cut costs for attending a blogging conference.

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Drive vs. Fly

Airfare can cost even more than the blog conference fee if you’re traveling from coast-to-coast or booking a last-minute flight.

If you’re able to drive to the host city in less than a day, consider driving instead of flying.

Use airline miles

Remember to rack up your airline miles with your favorite reward programs throughout the year so you can afford a blogging conference airfare. Keep in mind there are blackout dates and often redemption fees for using airline miles.

Request Gift Cards as Gifts

For birthdays and other special occasions, instead of gifts ask for gift cards you can use for blogging conference expenses.

Comment below: How do you plan ahead and cover the cost of attending a blogging conference? Have any of these recommendations above helped you cut costs?

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Blogging Conference Preparation

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