How to Get Views to Your Facebook Live

We are all dealing with the effects of the crisis brought by COVID-19. Maybe, you are one of those who need to transition to new routines or you are thinking of taking a break from the digital world. But as online creators, our reality is ‘business as usual.’ We need to find ways to adapt to the new normal. But at the same time, we have to stay present for our audiences. You are your brand. Though we all need to stay home, that doesn’t mean that you will also put your brand into quarantine mode. Creating a Facebook Live is key to stay engaged with your audience and monetize your products or services.

If you are terrified of doing Facebook Live, try to practice doing it off-line once a day. Continue practicing and as you get used to it.  You won’t know how well you do it if you won’t give it a shot. It doesn’t have to be perfect the first time you do it. As long as you know the value of your brand, there’s nothing to be scared of. Once you build your confidence, starting going live on Facebook regularly. Be consistent so that your watchers have something to look forward to the next time they visit your page.

Why Use Facebook Live?

Whether you are just starting to promote your online business or you have already established your blog’s following before this pandemic happened, Facebook Live is a great opportunity to ensure that you are still taking the right path to success.

Facebook Live is suitable if you need to pitch your services or sell your products. Use it to offer live tutorials or teach your audience the skills that you want them to know. You don’t even have to worry if people missed your live video because they can still watch the replay. Because you’re doing it live, you are, at the same time, engaging with your live audience! They can instantly ask you questions on the comment section that you can answer directly.

If you are not an editing-pro or you simply hate editing, going Facebook Live is a perfect tool that tells your audience that you are sharing authentic content. So, say goodbye to video editing tools – it cuts your time and effort to edit your content! It is also worth mentioning that you can instantly repurpose your content without the need of video editing. Just embed your video on your website or blog post, and viola!

Getting more views on Facebook Live seems impossible, but it’s actually NOT! Tamara Floyd of Natural Hair Rules started with just 10 people watching her video live on Facebook and then it grew to about five million viewers in just a year. That has become her road to increasing her revenue stream. It’s just a matter of implementing these tested and proven tips shared with us by the expert herself. She answered your burning questions about getting people to watch Facebook Lives in an interview with our CEO.

Watch: How Do You Get More Views on Facebook Live?

Facebook Live Engagement Tips

  1. Don’t assume that people coming into your page already know you or your brand. Regard them as if it’s their first time visiting your page. Introduce yourself briefly and in a friendly way. Let them know the name of your website or where they can find you other than on Facebook. Invite them to read your blog posts, check out your website, or follow you on your other social media pages.

If you will be doing Facebook Live every day, don’t forget to inform them to watch you. Make sure to create a regular schedule so people know when specifically they can watch you.

  1. If you are offering a free product or pitching for a sale, don’t hesitate to add a direct link in the comments section that will route them to either your website or product/services page. You are not just inviting people to follow you on your Facebook page, but you are also driving traffic to your website.
  2. Engage with them. Give them the opportunity to ask you questions in the comment section and of course, respond to them. Let them know that you are ready to take their questions or you’ll drive them away if you won’t answer them. If you’re doing a live tutorial, encourage them to share what they also know if they also have additional tips.
  3. Stay engaged even after Facebook Live has gone. This time, people can still watch the replay of your video. But don’t despair because it’s not the end yet. While you are live, let your audience know to leave their questions on the comments or send you an email to get a response.

Check the notifications after a few days or weeks later to see if someone has left a comment or question. Make sure to respond to them. It would make them feel valued and you’re still accessible.

  1. Share your Facebook Live video on other channels. You can also embed it on your website to help gain more views. Some potential clients can also be found on other social channels so make sure that you are sharing your content there.
  2. If you are joining a Facebook Group, take the chance to share the link to your video, too! As long as you are an active member of that group, grab that opportunity to invite watchers to check you out on Facebook Live.
  3. Create a series. To ensure that your Facebook Live topic isn’t boring, try to create a series that will entice your audience to watch more of your episodes. It’s the best way to build a connection and turn them into regular followers over time.
  4. Have you thought of cross-promoting your live video to other platforms? Yes, try turning a voice recorder while doing Facebook Live so you can also put it on your podcast channel! Or, announce your Facebook Live in advance on your other social platforms to invite more watchers.
  5. If you are also sending out emails or newsletters, make sure to promote your Facebook Live on this platform. Use your email signature to invite people on your email list. Add a link on your signature that will direct the person to your Facebook Page.
  6. Review your Facebook Page metrics. This Facebook feature will allow you to see what you’re missing and what you need to improve.

Are you ready to start going live? Feel free to leave your comments if you have additional tips! Now that you know these practical insights for starting Facebook Live, use these ideas to grow your audience and monetize your video.

How to Get Views to Your Facebook Live

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