5 Ways to Improve Your Blog During the Coronavirus Crisis

This is an unprecedented time for the blogging industry. We’ve been talking to brands and bloggers about what’s next. With social distancing and economic concerns, it’s a delicate time to match messages and marketing. For our community of influencers who aren’t sure how to navigate know what to blog about and how often, we created a guide on How to Blog Responsibly During a Crisis. Perhaps you’re taking a break from blogging because you’re a travel blogger who’s stuck at home like the rest of us or you’re sensitive about posting your fashion hauls at a time when people are searching for necessities. This is not the time to be stagnant. Advertising budgets will go up again. Pageviews and visitors will return to your blog. In the meantime, we made an easy to tackle blogger to-do list during the Coronavirus Crisis (or any national emergency) where you can catch up on all the things you’ve been putting off.

Be sure to share this post with your blogging buddies. Remind them to complete these tasks!


Blogger To-Do List During the Coronavirus Crisis


This is an ideal time to take a deep dive into your blog’s content to update it and optimize it.

  • Write at least five (5) evergreen blog posts. These are posts you can re-share any day of the year and they’re still timely.
  • Update blog posts to meet the recommended 750-1000 word count that search engines will love (more SEO tips a little later).

RELATED BLOG POST: How to Write a 1,000 Word Blog Post Search Engines Will Love

  • Revisit your old blog posts to update the tags. Delete irrelevant tags. Add new ones.
  • Create new Pinterest images for your most popular blog posts. Pinterest scheduling tool, Tailwind, recently updated users about how changes to the algorithm prioritize sharing new images.
  • Take a photography webinar to help improve your photography.
  • Explore more royalty-free image options so your blog’s images don’t violate any terms of service.
  • Do a brain dump of all the blog post ideas you’ve been meaning to write. List them and plan to write them.
  • Formalize your content calendar. Here are some content calendar tools.
  • Set a reminder for the first of each month to update your blog bio or about me page.


This is the perfect time to start a podcast. If you’ve found yourself saying you don’t have time, this is the time to do it.

  • Here’s a guide to the recommended podcast equipment and software you’ll need.
  • Interview experts on your podcast.
  • Repurpose your old blog posts into a podcast topic; answer a comment or question on social media to create a podcast topic.
  • Pitch podcast sponsors. Podcast apps like Anchor make it easier to connect with potential sponsors
  • Collaborate with other podcast hosts to cross-promote each others’ content.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Make the search engines love you and send free traffic to your blog during this time when you may not have as many sponsored opportunities or reviews.

  • Revisit old blog posts to optimize them for SEO.
  • Invest in an SEO plugin.
  • Hire an SEO expert.
  • Consider installing a new WordPress theme that’s optimized for SEO.
  • Take an SEO webinar or online course to learn the latest tips and tricks.


  • Craft a free download for subscribers to your blog that answers their burning questions.
  • Write a book for your niche like a recipe, craft, travel book.
  • Create your own or personalize popular merchandise to add an income stream.
  • Pre-sell your product to your newsletter subscribers and fans for a discounted price before your official launch. This will boost your income and incentivize you to launch.


Our CEO Nadia Jones used video this year to remind influencers that they’re equipped with the skills to manage social media for small businesses. She launched a masterclass with guides and downloads.



  • Set up a home video (podcast or photography) studio.
  • Start a video challenge.
  • Shoot videos daily or weekly.
  • Update your  YouTube channel, tags, descriptions, add Amazon affiliates,  and target keywords.
  • Start a second YouTube channel with niche content.
  • Invest in a camera, editing equipment or pay an editor.
  • Explore posting your videos on various platforms like Tik Tok, Vimeo and IGTV.
  • Go live: Instagram is becoming a more popular place for live video content, especially since your followers get an alert on the mobile app when you’re live!

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