To make your blog posts more attractive to visitors who are searching online, scrolling through Facebook or checking out the latest headlines on Twitter, you need to write interesting blog headlines. Readers are easily distracted by all the content they see online. You need to grab their attention, then convince them to click. We’ll walk you through some online tools and strategies to make visitors to your blog stick around to benefit from your expertise.
Swipe It and Spin It
Take a hint from print magazines. Look at the way magazines motivate you to grab them from the newsstand or grocery checkout line. They use bold, daring adjectives to tantalize you and make you want to read more. Then you can’t wait to through the magazine’s pages to get to the article that caught your attention.
For example, you’re likely to see headlines that ask an important life question or use words like: exciting, one-of-a-kind, unique and groundbreaking.
What’s the last magazine headline you read that made you want to learn more?
Put your own spin on the idea the next time you’re writing a blog post headline. Borrow the phrasing and sentiment used in the magazine headline, but don’t steal it.
RELATED TOPIC: 6 Content Lessons Bloggers Can Learn from Magazines
Analyze Your headlines
Before you press publish, consider using a headline analyzer. There are several sites that will analyze the headlines that you’re thinking about creating for blog posts. One is the Co-Schedule Headline Analyzer that’s free to use without signing up as a paid member. Another free headline application is Headlines Sharethrough.
Headline analyzers look at the length, adjectives or descriptive words that are included. The higher your score on a headline analyzer – the better the headline. Attention-grabbing blog post titles increase your chances of a better click-through rate.
Here’s a look at the headlines we considered before scoring 70 with “How to Write Interesting Blog Headlines Your Readers Will Click.”
It may take a few tries to find a headline that scores well. Try a few variations. You’ll notice the winning headline is shorter. It also provides one clear promise.
Comment below: What’s your experience like using CoSchedule or another headline analyzers?
Make a promise and keep it
Your blog post headline is your promise. Maybe you’re going to answer a question, provide a tutorial or provide a resource list. Your blog post needs to fulfill your promise.
Readers are smart. Don’t promise more than you can deliver or bait, then switch the topic.
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