8 Ways to Learn How to Blog for Free

Do you want to learn how to blog? Or have you already launched your blog but want to improve it so that you can earn money on your blog? You can learn how to blog for free thanks to the wealth of information available on the web. There are also a number of blogging resources available to you in person or through small businesses  and non-profits invested in teaching entrepreneurs new skills.
As you learn the ins and outs of blogging keep this mind. Blogging and social media are still relatively new industries. [Insert old lady wig and glasses….] When I started to blog, there were hardly any resources or even conferences for bloggers. BlogHer, one of the first conferences for bloggers, was just two years old. At that time, many of us new bloggers learned to blog by trial and error. We watched YouTube videos that offered tutorials on everything from how to design a WordPress blog to SEO for bloggers. We scoured the web for helpful information and we did the best we could in an organic way.
As for me, I don’t have a degree in marketing, I never took a communications or marketing class in college, and yet I have been able to work as the Director of Marketing & Communications for a law school and land a job in-house for the marketing department of a Global Fortune 500. I now speak on social media marketing and blogging at industry conferences and events.
Today, there are so many ways to improve your blogging skills and learn to blog. The good news is that learning to blog or advancing your blogging skills doesn’t have to cost you money.  Read on to find 8 resources to learn to blog for free! Have questions on blogging? Be sure to leave them in the comments below!

8 Ways to Learn How to Blog for Free

  1. Read whitepapers.  I often downloaded whitepapers from marketing websites and experts and kept a file of them to refer back to whenever I need to impress a client with the latest industry trends and buzz words. Whitepapers really dive deep on important topics and are a valuable resource to bloggers, freelancers, and business owners who want to learn new skills.
  2. Listen to Podcasts. Listening to podcasts can be like attending a college class, for free. I found them to be the most valuable, free resource for learning how to implement marketing campaigns and learn new social media trends. While at the gym or during road trips, I listen to podcasts from top marketing executives, professors, and industry leaders. I have learned everything from what to include in reports to clients to SEO best practices. I also found that many college professors hosted their own podcasts or would appear as guests on top marketing podcasts.
  3. Download templates and samples. Don’t waste time creating things from scratch. You can find free or nearly free downloadable templates and samples on almost everything by searching the web. There are many blogging related templates or samples for almost anything you need. If you can’t find what you need,  reach out to a colleague for samples.
  4. Use your hosting company as a resource. Many hosts like Go Daddy and Bluehost offer free WordPress blogging resources to their customers. Afterall, it’s in their best interest that you learn to blog and do so successfully. Check out their available resources and subscribe to their newsletters. If you can’t figure something out, do a live chat with support. You’ll be glad you learned how to do something on your own rather paying someone to do it each time.
  5. Volunteer. Many non-profits offer free and unpaid volunteer opportunities often run by directors or managers of the organization. LinkedIn is a great resource to find industry-related volunteer opportunities. Consider volunteering on short-term projects as this is a great way to get some hands-on skills and feedback from a supervisor.
  6. Google Alerts. Get industry related alerts by subscribing to marketing blogs and websites via Google Alerts. You’ll get breaking news and industry trends or events. Set Google Alerts for specific keywords and phrases for the skills you’re interested in. For example, “social media conference” or “blogging for income” and “blogging webinar.”
  7. Volunteer at social media and blogging conferences. Can’t afford to attend a blogging or social media conference? Most conferences will offer a limited number of free tickets to volunteers. Reach out to your conference of choice and offer to volunteer so that you can attend the conference for free. Then pair-up with blogging buddies to share a room to further reduce costs.
  8. Join free webinars on blogging and social media. I love virtually attending free webinars hosted by experts and veteran bloggers. Many times I can learn new skills or refresh old ones. My favorite webinars are the interactive webinars that allow you to ask questions to the host. Add blogging and social media webinars to your Google alerts so that you can sign-up and attend.

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