Influencer Spotlight: Enri Lemoine of Savoir Faire Bilingual Food Blog

Network Niche influencer member, Enri Lemoine, creates memorable recipes for her bilingual food blog, newspapers, and magazines. You may have seen her work on NBC, Telemundo and international publications from Bogota, Columbia to London.  Savoir Faire by Enri Lemoine shares mouthwatering foods in English and Spanish. Look for her creativity for our upcoming Vidalia Onions campaign. Keep reading to learn more about the Miami-based blogger and learn some of her photography tips.

Seen on El Nuevo Herald & Latina Parents

What inspired you to start a blog? How would you describe your blog niche?

I was living in a small town in Southern California and was spending a lot of time answering questions on Facebook about recipes. So I decided to create a place to share my recipes and have them available not only for my friends –  but for everybody. At the same time, I was starting a kitchen garden, so I thought it would be fun to share the results of my new hobby.

I’m a food and cocktail blogger and recipe developer. My recipes are seasonal, gourmet, easy to make and with a Latin twist. Most of the time, I do everything from scratch and I have so much fun in the process. I think cooking must be in Technicolor.

Tell us about a typical work day as a blogger. What time do you stop/start your workday?

I’m an early bird writer. Since I create content for different outlets, early mornings are for writing. Around 10-11 am my cooking adventures start. Cooking also implies shooting videos and pictures, which I try to edit immediately.

Do you blog in English & Spanish? How has that helped your blog’s growth or reach?

Having a bilingual blog is a lot of work: I do almost all my posts twice! However, the effort is more than compensated by the fact I can reach a bigger audience.

See the Mini Caprese Salad on the Savoir Faire Food Blog

Photo Credit: Savoir Fare Blog


What’s your best tip for photographing food & beverages?

Use natural light.

Savoir Faire Video: How to Make the Best Bolognese Sauce

Why did you join The Network Niche (TNN)? What has been your favorite brand partnership with our influencer network and why?

I’m new at TNN and joined because I’m Latina and want to grow my readership and work relationship with brands in the general market. So far I have participated in one campaign with Vidalia Onions producers and I love it!

Describe your “dream” brand partnership?

My dream partnerships (in plural) would be having long-term contracts (a year or more) with olive oil producers (or a specific brand), a butter brand, a pasta brand, a flour brand… a rum brand…

What’s the next big project you’re working on? What do you want to accomplish by the end of the year?

I’m currently optimizing my blog SEO-wise. I’ll be more than happy if I made it to 1,000 posts optimized (I already have 400 ready).

Where do you see yourself and your blog in 5-10 years?

Signing my cookbooks at Barnes & Noble in NYC, San Francisco, and Chicago to name a few cities. Developing recipes for an EVOO, butter, pasta and flour brands, and all the fresh produce producers in between!

What’s your favorite spot to visit in your city and why?

North Miami Beach. White sandy beaches, with crystal clear waters.


Buen día alegría! Ayer, atendiendo una invitación de @LaFontanaRistorante y de @aleysopr, me reencontré con mi querida amiga, periodista, escritora y cocinera @marujadagnino.  Maruja está en Miami, de la mano de la Fundación @ArtesanoGroup para presentar su extraordinario libro @LosAlimentosDelDeseo, que pueden comprar en Amazon ya. La anfitriona del evento fue @miamommy_theblog, quien si de algo sabe es de hacer que todo le quede bonito. . Tras 12 años sin vernos, Maruja y yo decidimos pasarnos el día juntas, así que la llevé a @Hola_TV donde la entrevistó @Natasha_Cheij y fuimos a @stratoambientimiami, donde @gladyscharlita nos dio a probar tres de las recetas que aparecen en el libro de Maru (vayan a mis stories que ahí está todo). . El broche de oro de esta visita será este viernes 9 de febrero cuando @BorisIzaguirre presente Los alimentos del deseo en la gala “La noche de los sentidos”, que tendrá lugar en el Jardín Botánico de Miami Beach. Allí el chef de La Fontana, Mauricio García, nos deleitará con una serie de platos inspirados en el libro, y habrá una subasta silenciosa de artesanía Guarao a beneficio de la Misión San Francisco de Guayo en el Delta del Orinoco, en mi Venezuela que pareciera herida de muerte pero que se resiste a la tiranía en medio del hambre y la miseria. . . . . . . #LosAlimentosDelDeseo #AlimentosDelDeseo #LaNocheDeLosSentidos #ArtesanoGroup #HacedoresDePaís #LaFontanaRistorante #VenezuelaTeQuiero #VenezolanosEnMiami #Miami #Doral #MiamiBeach

A post shared by Enriqueta Lemoine (@enrilemoine) on

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