Monday Member Spotlight – Bernetta Knighten

Bernetta Style

Bernetta Knighten, aka Bernetta Style, always wanted to be a media correspondent. She still wants to be a media correspondent, but more like a female “Clark Howard”.  Where she can be informative and trusted. In college, her original major was Communication but changed it to Marketing.  A decision she has regretted since graduating.  Although, Marketing is great and she has learned so much, her heart is with the Communications field.  Today, she is a Student Affairs Specialist. Over the years she has worked for IBM, Chase, US Government & now a Technical College. Bernetta has been in positions that varied from Customer Service, Trainer, Recruiter, to Specialist. In between working her day jobs is when she does what she loves best on the side…Design, Marketing, and Media opportunities.

Niche Mommy (NM): What influenced you to start blogging and why?
Bernetta Knighten (BN): I originally started a blog for Married Women called Why Isn’t Forever Easy which discussed marriage and all that we go through as a wife. It got to a point that in order to really grow the blog I felt I would have to tell more of my business and I wasn’t willing to do that. I also wanted to discuss other things that I loved to do that just didn’t involve my wifely duties so I created Bernetta Style which encompassed me as the total package. I am able to share deals, information that helps motivate, life issues and more. And I am really still on the fence about adding a W.I.F.E column to my BernettaStyle blog.

NM: What’s your cure for writer’s block?
BN: I stop thinking about writing. Or I will watch TV, read, or just pay attention to current events. It’s always something to talk about.

NM: What on your resume are you most proud of?
BN: I am most proud finishing college at Alabama State University. As well as graduating the design school, The Creative Circus. I have also been blessed to be able to work at some great places since graduating college.

NM: What are your hobbies?
BN: My hobbies seem to be whatever my kids are into! I do enjoy reading a good self-help book and going to blogger events to meet new people. Blogging seems to be my major hobby right now. Something I wish could turn into a full time opportunity.

Blog by Bernetta Knighton

NM: What is the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
BN: I laughed at this question because I am kind of a scary cat! I can’t really think of anything. I try to walk the straight and narrow. Now I am sure I have done some DUMB things, but I can’t think of anything dangerous on purpose.

NM: Why did you join The Niche Mommy Network?
BN: I love meeting other women that love doing what they do. We can learn from each other and grow within our areas. I love the opportunity to share my strengths and vice versa with other women as well.

NM: What’s on your bucket list?
BN: OMG! So much! I was able to meet Oprah this year, even though it was quick, it happened! I want to meet President Obama & First Lady. Help my husband reach his career goal. Become a millionaire. Become an official media correspondent! Be a celebrity on Dancing with the STARS!! Co-host on the View. Speak fluent Spanish and so much more!

NM: Where are you going on vacation in 2012?
BN: This year my and husband and I took our children to Florida (Disney). We also visited Cordell, GA for a family reunion. I also got to visit Chicago 3 times this year alone, my very own personal vacation. Hopefully next year we can do a family Disney Cruise.

NM: If you were a hero, what would your special power be?
BN: I would make myself “INVISIBLE”. Sometimes I just need to disappear but still be there if you know what I mean!

NM: If you were transformed into any animal what would it be?
BN: I would be an Eagle. I have always loved the way a bird can just get up and FLY away from a situation and land where it wants to. I would love that power. And why not soar with all the power and keen senses like only an Eagle has.

NM: Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
BN: Great question! I will say the CHICKEN.

NM: If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring?
BN: 1) My kids, 2) A laptop or tablet to keep up with what’s going on in the world, and 3) My Bible!

NM: Mac or PC?
BN: PC but desire a MAC!

Connect with Bernetta at @BernettaStyle, on Facebook, and on YouTube she would love to hear from you!

If you would like to featured as a Niche Mommy network member spotlight please be sure to email Greta at

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