Monday Member Spotlight – Celeste Whitehead

Celeste White was born in Oceanside, CA, but as a military girl her family traveled around the United States. In fact they moved to Florida from Nagasaki, Japan after living there for 3 years. Celeste is a work at home mommy of two who now lives in sunny Tampa Bay Area, Florida where she spends most of her time living, loving and laughing with her husband and two children.

Celeste graduated from the College of Central Florida in 2005 with an Associates in English and is currently pursuing her Masters in English. Prior to starting her freelance writing work from home, Celeste always had a love of helping others and while completing her degree she worked as a Residential Aide at her local Key Training Center. Celeste worked in a group home setting, assisting Developmentally Disabled adults with daily living skills. From there, she went on to get her Certified Nursing Assistant license working in a nursing home setting for 3 years.  Always having a love of writing Celeste got her first taste of professional writing when she worked at her local newspaper office as a classified and legal ad representative.

So let’s hear more directly from Celeste.

Niche Mommy (NM): What influenced you to start blogging and why?
Celeste Whitehead (CW): When I gave birth to my son in 2007 I wanted to have a way to stay home and be with him like my mom was always there for us when we were little. Two things I have always had a love for was family and ways to better the world around us, so I started Organic Mommy Today as a way to combine them and share with other families and individuals alike.

NM: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why?
CW: An Egyptologist. I have been in love with the history of Ancient Egypt ever since I was a little girl and I would love to spend all day immersing myself in it and uncovering secrets of the pharaohs.

NM: Name someone who has had an impact on your life and how?
CW: My husband has made a huge impact on my life. I was never the outgoing type and I was always very guarded when it came to being open about my personal life. While my husband is my polar opposite he is the life of the party, very outgoing, willing to talk to anyone and do whatever he can to make someone’s day a little brighter and I have always admired that about him and the reason why I fell in love with him.

NM: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
CW: I see myself continuing to better myself and my brand and more importantly having fun being with my husband and our children.

NM: What on your resume are you most proud of?
CW: I am most proud of the fact that even though I have been working as a freelance writer/independent contractor for over 5 years my own personal blog has come so far. The companies and brands I have built a relationship with and have been able to share with my readers is something I had always dreamed would happen and I am proud to see that dream become a reality.

NM: Do you have any hidden talents?
CW: Aside from being able to wiggle my ears nothing special.

NM: Why did you join The Niche Mommy Network?
CW: I first learned about the Niche Mommy Network when I saw on Twitter they were having a giveaway for the Niche Mommy Conference. I love that they promote diversity.

NM: What’s on your bucket list?
CW: To finally have the honeymoon my husband and I have yet to take.

NM: What is your favorite restaurant and what do you get?
CW: Red Lobster, Endless Shrimp

NM: What is your greatest fear?
CW: Something happening to any member of my family (even the ones I do not necessarily see eye-to-eye with).

NM: Money is not a problem for you, where would you visit and why?
CW: Egypt. Love the history and I would love to go inside one of the great pyramids.

NM: What is one gift that you would like to unwrap Christmas morning?
CW: A check that would cover the entire amount to pay off our house and with enough left over to cover our bills for a least a year or two.

NM: Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
CW: The Egg

NM: If you could have dinner with any three people, who would they be?
CW: Leonard Nimoy, Josh Gates (Destination Truth) and Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory)

NM: Coke or Pepsi?
CW: Coke simply because I love Sprite.

Connect with Celeste @greenmommy2 , on Facebook, on Pinterest and on Youtube she would love to hear from you!

If you would like to featured as a Niche Mommy network member spotlight please be sure to email Greta at

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