Eileen Carter-Campos was a school teacher since the tender age of twenty-one. She graduated from New York University with honors and is a proud member of Kappa Delta Pi. Eileen received her Master’s in Early Childhood Education and taught Pre K, Kindergarten, second grade and third grade. She has also worked for the YMCA as a counselor and Reading Specialist. Today, Eileen is a work from home mom and currently the community manager of Mamiverse.com. She has also written for Voxxi.com and is a contributor to Latina Bloggers Connect.
Niche Mommy asked Eileen…
Niche Mommy (NM): What influenced you to start blogging and why?
Eileen Carter-Campos (EC): I began blogging because even before teaching I was accepted to the University of Miami on a full scholarship for journalism. My father didn’t allow me to go and so I settled into teaching. It was something that I had always thought about (writing) and I was still doing but I wanted others to read my thoughts. When my son my diagnosed with Asperger’s and ADHD I began writing even more- it became more of an outlet for me to relieve everything I had running through my mind. One night I worked up the courage to write Lorraine C. Ladish and literally the rest is history.
NM: What was your greatest achievement in 2012?
EC: My greatest achievement was being able to follow by dreams of writing. I followed Lorraine C. Ladish to Mamiverse as a contributor and also became the community manager of our site.
NM: What’s on your 2013 bucket list?
EC: Taking my blog to another level and continue to learn, write more, speak at various events about education, parenting, and raising a child with Asperger’s and ADHD.
NM: What is something you learned in the last week?
EC: I learned even more about the rights of parents with all of the elementary school testing. I also learned that we have the right to opt out of these field tests that they give the children. I am constantly learning as a parent so it’s never ending and I LOVE it!
NM: What would you name the autobiography of your life?
EC: I would title my autobiography “What a Dream!” because my life does feel like a dream and I never want to wake up. I feel blessed for what I have and how hard I have worked to get to where I am today. I think it’s important to follow your dreams and take those leaps of faith!
NM: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
EC: I see myself enjoying my life with my boys and husband. I also see myself writing children’s books and attending more speaking events to help parents with any issues they may have as well as talk to children about the importance of education and staying in school.
NM: Why did you join The Niche Mommy Network?
EC: I joined The Niche Mommy because I love what the site stands for. It has a wealth of information and I can completely relate. I also thought that Nadia was so sweet online and when I met her in person at Hispanicize she was a million times nicer- an absolute pleasure!
NM: If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
EC: I would love to learn how to race a car and compete in the Daytona 500.
NM: Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
EC: I am always mistaken for Ricki Lake. Go Ricki, Go Ricki, Go Ricki!
NM: When you have an hour of free time, how do you pass the time?
EC: If I have free time I always aim to pick up a book for pleasure. I keep them close by my bed, curl up and read and I feel like I’m in heaven.
NM: If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
EC: I would donate to various charities- cancer charities and charities for children with special needs. I would also make sure that my children would be taken care of.
NM: Where’s Waldo?
EC: Waldo is somewhere is Puerto Rico hanging out on the beach 😉
Connect with Eileen at @EileenCCampos, @MommyT3aches, and on Pinterest , she would love to hear from you!
If you would like to featured as a Niche Mommy network member spotlight please be sure to email Greta at gdupuy@thenicheparent.com.
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