Monday Member Spotlight – Tiffany J. Cruz

Tiffany Cruz aka November Girlxoxo, was born was born in Orange, Texas. She comes from a military family so she doesn’t have the luxury of saying she grew up in the same small town she was born in.  Soon after she was born, her family moved to the San Diego area.  After a few years there, they moved to Hawaii and that’s where she went to Kindergarten and 1st grade. After a short stint in Hawaii, Tiffany and her family were transferred back to California, this time the San Francisco area, then back down to Southern California. It wasn’t until she was about 11 years old did her family pack up and move cross-country to Virginia. They settled into small town living and that’s where Tiffany and her family lived until she got married in 2006. After getting married Tiffany and her husband moved to Louisiana where they currently reside with her own family.
Today, Tiffany is a work-at-home mom and busy blogger superstar.  Her very first blog post was about the homemade baby food she had made for her daughter Jasmine. So where is that first blog now?  She has no idea, it’s lost in cyber space forever. Tiffany started Fabulous Finds by November Girlxoxo in the summer of 2010. Little did she know that two years later she would be here as a spotlight feature for the Niche Mommy Network or as she said “a great Mommy group”.  Tiffany has a passion for what she does, her blog is more than just a blog for her, it’s her career. She takes it very seriously and is grateful for all the amazing connections she has made through the years. Tiffany only hopes for more success in the years ahead and to ultimately one day own her own pr firm.
Niche Mommy (NM): What did you want to be when you grew up? What was your dream job?
Tiffany Cruz (TC): I’m actually lucky enough to be living my dream job every day. I get to stay home and raise my children while making a very successful name for myself in the blogging world.
NM: What influenced you to start blogging and why?
TC: I was influenced mostly by blog design at first. I loved the idea of having my own space online where I could write and share whatever I wanted. I quickly found my niche as a mom blogger.
NM: What has been your biggest achievement?
TC: My biggest achievement was the day I monetized my blog and went professional. I now contribute a large portion of my family’s income and it feels good to be able to do that from the comfort of my own home.
NM: What on your resume are you most proud of?
TC: I am so proud that I’m a member of Social Fabric, being accepted was a goal I set for myself this year. After two attempts I was finally accepted and I’m having a great time being a part of the Social Fabric community.
NM: What are your hobbies?
TC: I have too many to list but here are just a few, biking, running, gardening, stamp collecting, and cooking.
NM: Why did you join The Niche Mommy Network?
TC: I joined The Niche Mommy Network because I saw that there was a conference coming to New Orleans that I would probably get the chance to attend. I’m so glad I found The Niche Mommy Network though, I’m having a lot of fun here so far.
NM: What’s on your bucket list?
TC: Too much to list but a few things on my bucket list are: visit Bora Bora, spend a night in Cinderella’s Castle in her suite, visit and tour Europe, and last but not least is go to the Olympics as a spectator.
NM: Where are you going on vacation in 2012?
TC: My husband and I are thinking Disney World for Christmas and New Year’s.
NM: If you were a hero, what would your special power be?
TC: Flying
NM: Who’s your doppleganger?
TC: Helen Hunt
NM: If you were transformed into any animal what would it be?
TC: A fly, that way I could be that fly on the wall I always wanted to be.
NM: Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
TC: The Chicken.
NM: If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring?
TC: My husband, obvious. My husband is an islander from Guam so he would be good to have around, climbing coconut trees, catching fish with his bare hands and building a hut for us. I would also bring along plenty of rum and my toothbrush.
NM: Mac or PC?
TC: Definitely a PC girl. I don’t even know how to copy & paste from a Mac.

Connect with Tiffany at @FabFindsbyNGxo, and on Facebook she would love to hear from you!

If you would like to featured as a Niche Mommy network member spotlight please be sure to email Greta at

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