Niche Mommy Buzz & Highlights!

It’s a great Monday here at The Niche Mommy ! We wanted to start the week by highlighting some Niche Mommy buzz, news, and spotlights around the web.  We started the week glowing from our planning retreat.   The  Niche Mommy team was in Orlando at the beautiful Loew’s Portifino Bay Hotel.   We discussed final plans for our hotel, our agenda, and planned out some ideas for campaigns we are working on.  We excited to say that we are almost near contract completion so stay tuned for hotel details.  You will love the hotel and the price we were able to get you!

Also, our call for speakers went out last week.  We have received some AWESOME proposals thus far. If you, or someone you know would be a great fit for our conference, please pass the word along.  We also need your help to vote for us to speak at BlogHer. More of that below!

Now, some Niche Mommy member highlights!

Niche Mommy Ad Campaigns

The Niche Mommy has officially rolled out two major ad campaigns.  We called out to our fans and followers to sign up for the network to be considered for these major ad campaigns.  From there the selection process began, and based on the client’s needs, we were able connect bloggers from the Niche Mommy Network with these brands.   We have two ads running on almost two dozen member sites. One features the sexy, new 2012 Lincoln MKX  and the other highlights some of Macy’s spring and summer fashions for women.

Take a look  at just some of the Niche Mommy members that are sporting their new blog bling.

Reality TV Fashion & Style by Prissy Mommy

The Lincoln ad looks just right on Prissy Mommy’s style and fashion blog.  Latest fashion+ latest cars = perfect fit!


Mama Latina blog

Mama Latina’s Tips, an award-winning bilingual blog,  paired nicely with the Macy’s Spanish ad!  The client loved it!

Sheena of Sophistishe


And last but certainly not least, the Lincoln ad looked very sophisticated on Sophistishe’s blog. Wouldn’t you agree?

Other Niche Mommy Buzz

Niche Mommy continues to buzz around the web and just in case you haven’t seen it, take a look at this week’s media mentions.

Kelly Flournoy, Atlanta based public relations firm, joined the network and is excited about the possibility of new blogging opportunities.

EthnicChicMinorStyle, an online publication for ethnic women, thought the Niche Mommy Network & Conference was a “wonderful idea” and wished us much success.

Aisha & Christine, from Hartlyn Kids , were so happy to find out about us.  She thanked Chantily of Multicultural Familia  @mculturalfam for spreading the word!.  Aisha and Chantilly are  also running the Lincoln Ad! (How is that for connecting with your Niche!?) 

Thank you to these ladies for your support and to all of our new followers and network registrants!  If you haven’t joined the network yet, what are you waiting for –go here !

Vote & Bring Our Panel to BlogHer!

I submitted a Room of your Own session at BlogHer entitled, Collaborating the Diverse & Multicultural MOM Blogger Community.  In recent years, we have seen the rise of diverse and multicultural bloggers in the social media space.  The goal of this panel is to begin the discussion of where diverse and multicultural moms that blog fit into the “big” picture.   As Chantilly of Multicultural Familia said, “[m]ulticultural blogging isn’t exactly new, but it’s a growing niche in the blog world that has often been overlooked by mainstream.  Recently though, we’ve seen a rise in the visibility of these bloggers as more and more brands and marketers are taking notice of these highly influential and unique voices.”   Help continue this discussion by voting and tweeting about our session. Let’s collaborate the vote!


Cheers to a great week!

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