Announcing The Niche Mommy Conference


Connect with your Niche at the first social media conference for the diverse and multicultural mom blogger! The Niche Mommy Conference is for the social media maven that embraces diversity and multiculturalism in our unique backgrounds, voices, and perspectives. Join us, August 24-26, 2012!

Announcing the Niche Mommy Conference!

Veteran mom blogger, attorney, and founder of  Blogalicious Weekend, Nadia Jones known as “Justice Jonesie” by her social media friends, launches The Niche Mommy, a new and unique network and social media conference targeting diverse and multicultural moms.  The network and conference is for the social media maven that embraces diversity and multiculturalism in the unique backgrounds, voices, and perspectives of all moms, regardless of color.   Through the Niche Mommy Network, brands will partner with a select group of diverse and multicultural mom bloggers that continue to be a consumer driving force.  “The launch of [this new] network will bring together the social, savvy,  and influential mom blogger with each other and with brands that want to connect with her online and offline,” said Niche Mommy founder, Nadia Jones.

The Niche Mommy Network & Conference launches at an opportune time.  As recent as December of 2011, reported that “[m]ommy bloggers are successfully leveraging social media to collaborate and communicate about the products they use, what’s happening within their families and what they’re interested in.”  The Niche Mommy Network’s mission is exactly that, connecting the diverse and multicultural mom blogger to each other and with the products and brands they love.

The inaugural Niche Mommy Conference will be held August 24-26, 2012, and will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana.   With its eclectic and diverse history and culture, “NOLA” serves as the right backdrop for the inaugural conference.  “NOLA is fun, authentic, and the perfect city to host the Niche Mommy Conference.  We look forward to offering a conference agenda that allows the attendees to experience what NOLA has to offer,” said Greta Dupuy, Vice President of Marketing & Branding.

Although final date and hotel location is close to completion, Jones wanted to provide moms with enough time to fit the Niche Mommy conference on their  conference calendar. As a working mom to three children herself, Jones understands that choosing the right conference to attend is an important decision that the mom blogger likes to make early.  She hopes that moms will make the Niche Mommy one of their select conferences in the 2012 conference year.

For sponsorship opportunities and inquiries, please email

Download a PDF version of the press release here.

Image credit:N. Rudie
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