Niche Mommy Conference 2012: Sessions Sneak Peak

Latina Mom Blogger

If this conference isn’t on your calendar yet…what are you waiting for?  At the Niche Mommy Conference you will connect with your niche at the first social media conference for the diverse and multicultural social media moms!

Although our speaker proposals are still coming in, we can give you a sneak peak of the sessions and workshops you can expect to see at The Niche Mommy Conference.  Also, some of these sessions need additional speakers and panelists so if you see a topic you would like to speak on, please complete our speaker proposal form!


  • How to Photograph Like a Pro: A great picture is worth a thousand page  views.  Great pictures drive traffic to your blog on tools such as Pinterest, Stumble Upon, and more.  Learn how to take great shots for your blog.
  • Photoshop 101 for Bloggers: Learn how to make your own buttons, headers, and graphics for your blogs, media kits, and business cards.  Attendees should download a free 30-day trial of Photoshop prior to attending the conference.  In addition to using Photoshop, attendees will learn about the best free photo editing applications online.
  • Gone in 60 Seconds: Learn to pitch your blog and your brand in 60 seconds or less.  Pitches don’t just take place on the elevator, but via e-mail, in a media kit, at lunch, or on-line.


  • Motherhood from Your Perspective:  An honest and open conversation between the panelists and attendees about what it means to be a social media mother of color in today’s time.  The conversation will include everything from the unique issues we face and choose to express on our blogs, to how to balance being a voice for our communities while also protecting our brand and blogs.
  • Letting Go of the Super Mom Title:  Give yourself a break- you need one!  Between blogging, networking, and motherhood, can you really manage it all?  Learn how to blog and parent smarter, not harder.
  • Freelance Writing is Not So Free:  It takes time to draft articles, promote them, and get paid for it.  Learn how to get freelance writing gigs from the experts and get paid for it.
  • Ebook Publishing:  Thinking about publishing your story, your tips, and  your area of expertise?  Can you earn money through e-publishing?  Let’s find out at this session from bloggers that have gone through the process before.
  • The Traffic Report:  Sure building a community will help increase traffic to your blog, but what about Pinterest,, Stumble, and more?  You’ll learn how to drive traffic to your blog while you sleep – literally.
  • Copyright & Trademark 101 For Bloggers:  Not sure if you can use that image?  How do you properly credit a source? What happens if someone improperly uses your recipe, your image, or your name?  Learn to protect your brand and your images,  and avoid infringing of someone else’s property, from two experts- a lawyer and a journalist.

This is just a sneak peak of our speakers, workshops and sessions!!  Stay tuned, as there is a lot more to come.  A conference you don’t want to miss.

Why attend the Niche Mommy Conference? Do brands and marketers really take social media moms seriously?  We know that to be true. Brands that embrace the cultural and ethnic identify of women of all colors and backgrounds with the same tenacity and commitment as they do to other consumer groups will be at the Niche Mommy Conference.  Reserve your conference pass today so that you can connect with them, and other moms like you, in New Orleans, LA.

If the Niche Mommy Conference IS on your calendar we look forward to seeing you in NOLA.  Don’t forget to grab a button to add to your blog, email signature, or even your Facebook wall.


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