Niche Mommy Spotlight – Alexandra Elizabeth

Alexandra Elizabeth, born and raised in Boston, MA, is a development coordinator for a non-profit organization.  She is a dynamic and ambitious employee who enjoys working in collaborative and fast paced work environments. Being able to independently take in initiative to complete projects within strict deadlines has proven to be an invaluable skill to Alexandra. From blogging to professional writing, including drafting fundraising letters and reports to judges, she is able to use writing in a range of tones throughout the workday. In both her volunteering and professional experience Alexandra has enjoyed various organizational roles. Leadership requires an innovative perspective, proactive thinking, as well as identifying the necessary components to complete tasks effectively and within a timely manner. These experiences have provided opportunities to form trusting relationships with diverse personality types, allowing her to be an engaging and approachable leader.

So we asked Alexandra a few more questions to get to know her better.

Niche Mommy (NM): What influenced you to start blogging and why?
Alexandra Elizabeth(AE): I started blogging in 2010 when my daughter was 4, after years of interest in creative writing. I wasn’t sure of the right platform to share my thoughts, and knew that I wanted to do something else than store them in my journal.   I started blogging because I didn’t fit the mold of the middle aged-cookie cutter-Betty Crocker-minivan driving-soccer mom-stay  at home-everything is roses type Mom that I saw portrayed everywhere I went. And you know what while I was pregnant and for a period after my daughter was born I felt like I needed to be “that mom”.  I’m the mom wearing black leggings and a cardi wrap with my wonderfully broken in Nikes. I’m the mom walking into the kitchen made up of used items from friends and family. I’m the mom who wants someone to cook me dinner, dangit! I ain’t perfect, but my daughter loves me anyways. Being a teen parent definitely escalated my feelings of wanting and needing to fit in, it sure hasn’t been easy being a young, single, and working mom.

My blog came about after I asked myself why I didn’t see other moms like me portrayed in books, magazines, and in the media. Why don’t I hear other moms like me? Is it because there are no moms like me? Not the case at all. I may be 26, I may be a single (and fabulous) mom, I may not own a house or drive a new gleaming car, I may not be able to afford the latest Crew Cuts for my child, but I am raising my daughter with endless amounts of love, and that’s all that matters.

NM: If they made a movie of your blog, which actress would you want to play you?
AE: It’s funny, over the years people have told me I look like Raven Simone, which I take as a huge compliment! It would be great to see her become me, we’re both silly and a little quirky and I think she’d do a great job portraying the different sides of me.

NM: What on your resume are you most proud of?
AE: 2011 marked a huge accomplishment for me as I finally graduated with my Bachelor’s degree from Northeastern University. After six long years of attending school and juggling parenthood and employment it was with great pride that I was able to walk across the stage last September and receive my diploma.

NM: How do you spend your free time?
AE: Going on adventures with my daughter J.  She and I love finding activities and events to attend, and always have a great time together. I’ve also recently joined her Tee Ball team as a Coach, which she thinks is great. We love going to the movies, visiting the park, going bike riding, visits to the beach, and trips to New York City.

NM: What do you think is your biggest hurdle?
AE: I’ve learned so much about myself, and my resilience since becoming a parent. A significant parenting hurdle I have cleared is knowing that it’s ok to ask for help. While I’ve never been one to back away from difficult situations, I usually become an introvert, secluded myself from the world and hidden in a shell. On the exterior seemingly calm and collective, but on the interior a ball of fire. I’ve gotten by like this, but as you can imagine it’s not the ideal situation. But recently I’ve realized that I don’t have all the answers, that when I’m being tested I don’t have to stand alone. I’ve never been comfortable asking for help or sharing a lot of personal information with others, but I realized I can’t carry this load on my own. And I’m glad to say that I have been able to look around me and find amazing support from my friends and family. There were no questions, no judgment, just pure concern, encouragement, and love for me and my daughter. It’s been overwhelming and slightly uncomfortable to know that I have so many remarkable people in my corner who truly believe in me and genuinely want what’s best for me and my family. Parenting young has presented many challenges, and being a former teen parent I have struggled to gain a sense of self while also raising my daughter.

NM: What’s on your bucket list for 2012?
AE: I’d love to take my daughter on a vacation this year, we had a great time in Canada last year, and she’s been asking to go away again this year. I’d also love to take a ballet and rock-climbing class..

NM: What’s your cure for writer’s block?
AE: My cure for writer’s block is to put the pen/computer down and walk away. For me, when I try and try to come up with something to write, what I produce isn’t my best work. I have to write when I’m feeling motivated and I’m in my groove. Writing and blogging should be fun and shouldn’t feel like work, and I want to make sure it stays this way so I don’t push myself too hard.

NM: Who is your Shero and why?
AE: The lovely Michelle Obama. She exudes this wonderful confidence and warmth that I as a mother and woman really respect. She has been a true force as The First Lady, all the while raising two beautiful girls.

NM: Mac or PC?
AE: PC all day! Mac isn’t a language I’m ready to understand yet!

Thank you for sharing Alexandra!  Be sure to follow @MsAlexandraV  on Twitter.

If you would like to featured as a Niche Mommy network member spotlight please be sure to email Greta at

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