Claudya Martinez, who prefers to just be identified by her first name, was born in Mountain View, CA, but grew up in Los Angeles. She has worked in arts organizations for many years and up until she had her kids, she was also an actor. Well, she still is an actor, just not one on TV or stage lately. She always wanted to act as her dream job was getting paid to use her talent and creativity. Today, Claudya is a blogger when her kids let her.
Niche Mommy (NM): What influenced you to start blogging and why?
Claudya: When my first daughter was born, I did not have the support system to be able to still go on auditions and quite frankly I lacked the desire. What I missed most about acting was the ability to be creative and interact with others. I wanted to continue to be creative on my own time and as my schedule allowed. Being a new mother was far more isolating than I had ever expected and did not fulfill all my creative needs. One morning I woke up, opened my computer, and started a blog. I get the same thrill from blogging that I used to get from acting.
NM: If they made a movie of your blog, which actress would you want to play you?
Claudya: I would play me.
NM: What on your resume are you most proud of?
Claudya: Honestly, I don’t define myself by my resume. I’m proudest of making it to this point in my life. It hasn’t always been an easy life. If you insist on particular achievements I’d say that being the daughter of a single mother with a 6th grade education makes me proud to have graduated summa cum laude from college.
NM: How do you spend your free time?
Claudya: With an almost 4-year-old and a 1-year-old, I have no free time.
NM: What do you think is your biggest hurdle?
Claudya: I’m always my biggest hurdle. Sometimes I just need to get over myself and my insecurities.
NM: What’s on your bucket list for 2012?
Claudya: I’d love to take a family trip to Hawaii. Take Niche Mommy team with you too:)
NM: What’s your cure for writer’s block?
Claudya: I write even though I think I have nothing to write about or I ask my husband to give me a topic and I write about whatever he suggested. I believe in showing up.
NM: Who is your hero and why?
Claudya: I don’t have one single hero, but the hero closest to my heart is my husband. He’s a good man with a good heart. I’ve seen him put himself in danger to help a person getting mugged and I see every day that no matter how tired he is, he is always affectionate and caring with his daughters. I grew up without a father figure, seeing him be an excellent father figure strikes me as heroic.
NM: Mac or PC?
Claudya: Why? Are you going to give me one? I’m open to the possibilities of both.
Connect with Claudya at @UnknownMami, and on Facebook she would love to hear from you!
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