Niche Mommy Spotlight – Fran Warren


Fran Warren, born and raised in Bowling Green, KY, is an educator, teacher, trainer and editor!  Fran attended the University of Memphis and graduated with an undergraduate degree in English with an emphasis in Professional and Technical Writing.  She later went back and got her Master’s in Instruction and Curriculum. Fran has worked at two very large, urban school districts in both Tennessee and most recently in Georgia.  After working in the districts for over 5 years, she decided to start doing a little bit of consulting work and began to present at conferences around the country. More recently, she decided to combine her love for editing and education by opening her own editing company, The Editing Nerd.

Let’s find out more about Fran!

Niche Mommy (NM): What did you want to be when you grew up? What was your dream job?
Fran Warren (FW): When I was growing up I never really had a dream job I just knew I wanted to create my own destiny. I never wanted to be dependent on a career to make me happy (or not).

NM: What influenced you to start blogging and why?

After having my 3rd child (the last two were 15 months apart) I was stressed and a bit overwhelmed. Coupled with me still working full time and consulting, I decided to take control of the chaos in my life and document my struggles through my blog, BossyGirlintheCity. My blog is dedicated to helping women become the best women they can be. I discuss everything from my weight loss journey, my training for the various half marathons I run to my struggles as a parent and wife.

NM: What on your resume are you most proud of?
FW: I am most proud of my work with brands to be a voice for women of color.  For so long, I have thought that brands have “overlooked” minority mothers so for me to be able to work with large brands has made me realize just how powerful my voice is! I am also proud of the opportunities I have had to present at major conferences throughout the United States.

NM: Who has been your role model?  What about them do you admire?
FW: My role model my entire life has been my mother,Mary Shaw, and my sister, Chanel Bishop. Both women are the “shining examples” of love, honesty and motherhood. My mother spent her whole life raising 4 kids, despite having financial difficulties. Despite us growing up without a lot of material things her love for us was (and still is) neverending. I can tell her anything and not only does she not judge me but she loves me. My little sister, Chanel, is so determined that she inspires me everyday to keep moving!

NM: How do you spend your free time?
FW: In my free time, I run, work on my book that will be out this Fall (stay tuned!) or sleep!

NM: What do you think is your biggest hurdle?
FW: My biggest hurdle is sometimes doubting if I can, “do it all.” Whenever I have these moments, I quickly go and pray for understanding and perseverance and I just get going until I have a “breakthrough”!

NM: What is next for you?
FW: Next for me and my brand, BossyGirl Media, is to continue to build my business, TheEditingNerd, to being the “one stop shop” for anyone with any writing or editing needs–large or small. In addition, I am working on my first book, a manual of sorts for anyone in education and then of course the book tour that will accompany the release of the book!

We are so happy to have Fran as part of the Niche Mommy Network!  Thank you for sharing your story with us, Fran!  Amazing, and we wish you the best of luck with your ventures.

Want to be spotlighted on the Niche Mommy?  If so, email gdupuy [at] to be featured.

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