Niche Mommy Spotlight – Veronica Armstrong

Meet Veronica Armstrong, a stay at home mother, freelance writer and photographer, and professional blogger.  Most recently she worked in the defense industry as a sourcing agent, which is fancy talk for buying gun systems & parts for a defense contractor while managing the suppliers who manufactured them. Her professional background includes several years of legislative and public policy work as well.

Veronica wasn’t sure about what she wanted to be when she grew up, but knew she wanted to work in the Massachusetts State House. She visited during a field trip when she was about ten years old. Eight years later Veronica’s dream became a reality when she was hired as the youngest legislative aide in the state.

That is truly a dream come true.  Niche Mommy wanted to find out more about this super mom, so we asked…she answered.

Niche Mommy (NM): What influenced you to start blogging and why?
Veronica Armstrong (VA): I joined Twitter for some unknown reason and my followers would frequently ask for my blog address. I didn’t have one. Twitter told me to blog. So I did. I do pretty much whatever twitter tells me. It’s served me quite well actually.

NM: If they made a movie of your blog, which actress would you want to play you?
VA: It’d probably have to be Zoe Saldana since she’s the only major Dominican actress. She seems cool. They’ll have to make her a lot shorter and add some junk to her trunk but it’s fine. She’ll work.

NM: What on your resume are you most proud of?
VA: My last promotion. I worked like a fiend through two pregnancies and as a new mother to make that promotion possible. I traveled extensively with male colleagues and overcame obstacles like having to pump in a manufacturing facility. Succeeding in a male dominated and extremely patriarchal industry is my greatest professional achievement to date.

NM: How do you spend your free time?
VA: I love working out, exploring new places with my family, and reading a book (alone!) every great while.

NM: What do you think is your biggest hurdle?
VA: Lack of time. So much ambition but so little time.

NM: What’s on your bucket list for 2012?
VA: To either self or traditionally publish a book I’m writing about life as an MBA wife.

NM: What’s your cure for writer’s block?
VA: Read. Read. And then read some more. Inspiration finds me eventually.

NM: Who is your Shero and why?
VA: Tracey Clark. She’s an incredible writer, photographer, and mother who uses her gifts to empower women. She created Shutter Sisters which is one of the most creative and inspirational sites out there for female photographers. Love her.

NM: Mac or PC?
VA: Mac. Everything is Mac. I don’t know why. We’re just happier this way.

NM: Where do you  see yourself in 5 years?
VA: I see myself with an MBA from a top business school working in a social media role for a book publishing company and with a happy and healthy family.

Connect with Veronica at @VeronicatheBlog, she would love to hear from you!

If you would like to featured as a Niche Mommy network member spotlight please be sure to email Greta at

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