RSVP NOW For our Tribe Building #NicheParent14 Meet-Ups!

Niche Parent 2014 Meet-Ups
The road to Niche Parent 2014 begins on August 9th with our multi-city meet-ups and events! We’re taking 10 cities by storm all in one day!
Building your blogging tribe happens with those face to face connections. If you live in or near Philly, Nashville, Columbia, Charlotte, Orlando, Puerto Rico, let’s do some tribe building! We’ll network during a lunch and learn covering the latest in social media/blogging.  Each event will be hosted by one of our ambassadors.
If you live in New York City/New Jersey, Atlanta, or Los Angeles, we invite you to join us along with  The Elf on the Shelf®  and celebrate  A Birthday Tradition! Stay tuned for more details going to our network members first.
RSVP now as space is limited and all events are free!

More locations and RSVPS to be announced soon! Save the date! All events to take place on August 9th.

Going to Columbia? Click to Tweet and invite your friends: “#Columbia, SC #Bloggers! Join me for a tribe building meet-up with @NicheParent RSVP here: #NicheParent14”

Going to Puerto Rico? Click to Tweet and invite your friends: #Bloggers in #PuertoRico! Join me 4 a tribe building meet-up w/ @NicheParent RSVP #NicheParent14

Going to Nashville? Click to Tweet and invite your friends: #Nashville #Bloggers! Join me 4 a tribe building meet-up w/ @NicheParent RSVP #NicheParent14

Going to Philly? Click to Tweet and invite your friends: #Philly #Bloggers! Join me 4 a tribe building meet-up w/ @NicheParent RSVP #NicheParent14

If you’re a brand interested in sponsoring one of our local meet-ups there’s still time! Contact Nadia via  email nadia(at)

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