With so many new video platforms like Facebook watch and IGTV to post content, has your YouTube channel been neglected? Yes, IG stories are all the rage. Let’s not forget good old reliable YouTube, the world’s second biggest search engine has been paying content creators since it was founded in 2005. There are countless influencers who make a living from YouTube videos alone, without posting to a blog. If that’s your goal or if you’d like to grow a community on YouTube, look over these ways to breathe new life into your old YouTube channel.
Reboot Your YouTube Channel
Reintroduce yourself
Create a YouTube video that reintroduces who you are. Tell your viewers who you are, what you like, what you don’t like and even why you took a break from posting YouTube videos.
Let them get to know you again and get ready for even more new content.
Update Your Artwork & Branding
Never underestimate the power of a properly designed YouTube thumbnail to increase clicks on your Youtube videos and increase video views.
Canva makes it easy to design YouTube channel art. Create a brand new header image (2560 x 1440 px) and a YouTube thumbnail (1280 x 720 px) with eye-catching fonts. Use the search bar to find the proper sizes with sample fonts and designs.
Youtube Channel Thumbnail
YouTube collaborations are a great way to meet more vloggers with similar interests.
Join in a current YouTube challenge or create your own. Trending topics and trending videos will get more views thanks to the YouTube algorithm to recommend related videos.
Create a content calendar
Let your YouTube followers know when you’re posting new videos. Create a consistent schedule so they know what to expect and when.
According to Entrepreneur, here are the best times to publish YouTube videos.
RELATED TOPIC: How to Maximize Your YouTube Description Box
Repurpose old videos from Facebook & Instagram
Go through your smartphone to find videos you can republish to YouTube.
Create a look back video of an old vacation or event. Re-edit and upload recipe videos to YouTube.
Upgrade your equipment & studio
Yes, you can vlog on your smartphone. But professional cameras, microphones and lights help you distinguish from a hobby vlogger so you’re considered a professional vlogger.
For some suggestions, recommend that your friends and family visit our gift guide for bloggers with equipment ideas.
Set a goal to monetize on YouTube
As of May 2019, YouTube’s newest guidelines require a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months to be eligible for the monetize option.
YouTube is also now displaying subscriber numbers differently. According to Wired.com, YouTube will now display rounded numbers vs. exact numbers of subscribers.
Comment below: How often do you post YouTube content? How can you reintroduce yourself to your subscribers and build an audience there?
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