Hello Niche Mommies! We told you we were gearing up for another great week! Ready for this?
We have finalized details for our first paid blogging opportunity for Niche Mommy Network members.
This is an ad campaign that can run for up to four months. If you are interested in being considered for this opportunity, please complete the contact form on the link below and we will get in touch with you right away. As with most of these things, the client needs a quick turnaround and would like to start running the ads March 1st. This is an opportunity for a large group of bloggers. (YAY!!)
Details so far:
- You do not need to be a mom blogger for this opportunity.
- You must be okay with an ad running on your site for a major department store.
- Ads will promote spring and summer fashions for women.
- You don’t have to blog about fashion or beauty.
- Your blog must be able to accommodate one of the three standard IAB sizes, 728×90, 300×250, or 160×600. (We can figure this out for you.)
- Please respond by February 29th if you are interested.
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