The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Blogger Income Reports

One of the aspects that may have attracted you to blogging was the opportunity to earn an income online. Maybe you were drawn in by a TV interview or a newspaper article featuring a blogging who generates thousands of dollars a month with their website. Some of the top earning bloggers also publish their income reports monthly or quarterly. A blogger income report is a detailed look at the various streams of revenue they’ve set up and how much each brings in. Below we’ll explore the good, the bad and the ugly sides of blogger income reports.

Let’s give you an example created by of 12 Bloggers Who Make More than $10,000 a Month and How They Do It.

The Good

If you’re new to blogging, you may be exploring all the ways you can monetize your blog.

Reading blogger income reports from experienced marketers can give you some great ideas.

From selling digital downloads, physical products,  professional services, speaking to consulting – there are numerous ways to monetize.

Related Topic: How to Increase Blog Income by $1,000 a Month

iHow to Increase Blog Income by $1,000 a Month

The Bad

Like many of the things that we find online there’s no way to concretely confirm that a blogger’s income reports is correct or honest.

Noted “heavy hitters like” Pat Flynn of and Darren Rowse or, make six-figure incomes from blogging. In fact, teaching blogging is often their largest source of income.

Be skeptical of bloggers who’ve been creating content for less than a year, yet boast huge paychecks. Building a following and gaining the attention of brands takes time and professionalism.

The Ugly

It can be discouraging to compare your blog’s income to others. It can make you question whether you should stick with blogging or try something else.

Although income is great, remember focus on creating engaging content, building a community and being yourself online.

Comment below: Have you read blogger income reports? What have you learned from them? Would you publish your monthly income and share it with your followers?


The Good The Bad and The Ugly of Blogger Income Reports


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