10 Ideas to Create a Thoughtful Father’s Day Blog Post

Too often we relegate Father’s Day blog posts to showcasing gift ideas for hardware, watches, and ties. Stories of fatherhood are much more complex. With some preparation, you can create a thoughtful Father’s Day blog post or series that connects with your audience on a deeper level.


10 Ideas to Create a Thoughtful Father's Day Blog Post

Photo Credit: Mathew Henry from Burst

10 Ideas to Create a Thoughtful Father’s Day Blog Post

1. Interview your father or a father figure.

What advice would they like to share? How has fatherhood changed their outlook on life? Will they admit to any mistakes or failures as dads?

2. Profile a local father’s support group or playgroup.

Moms don’t have the market on playgroups. There are countless support groups for dads who want to connect with like-minded guys and their children.

Search locally on meetup or Facebook to find a local father’s group.

3. Showcase your favorite dad blogs and podcasts for dads.

We have dad bloggers in our influencer network who also create content for publications as contributors.

We’ve shared insight from technical expert, Brotha Tech, “How to Protect Your WordPress Blog from Hackers” and profiled Mocha Man Style creator Fred Goodall.

Protect WordPress Blog from Hackers4. Share new trends or research on dads.

Dads are taking more family leave. Dads are working from home or staying home. Dads are creating content for dads, just like our community members.

Organizations like the Pew Research Council provide research you can find online like 6 Facts About American Fathers.

5. Feature your favorite books for new dads.

Create a recommended reading list.

6. Recreate your father’s favorite recipe.

What did you father, grandfather and father figure cook well? Recreate their go-to-dish.

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7. Get insight from a family therapist on coping with the loss of a father.

For anyone who’s lost a father or father figure, Father’s Day can bring back a flood of emotions and thoughts of loss.

8.  Share your favorite quotes and poems.

Take a funnier look at Father’s Day with your favorite dad jokes.

9. Explore the role of grandfathers.

Having the perspective of an older generation in your life can provide perspective and pass on your family’s history.

10. Share your family’s Father’s Day traditions or your favorite Father’s Day memory.

Click to Tweet: Look beyond ties, watches, and car accessory gift ideas. Here are 10 ideas to create a thoughtful Father’s Day Blog Post via @TheNetworkNiche!

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