What to Include in Your Blogger Bio

You may have noticed that your blog bio or about me page gets the most hits on your blog each day. A persuasive and well written blogger bio is a must for bloggers interested in working with brands and attracting new readers.  As brand or agency reps scout the blogosphere searching for bloggers to work with, there are certain buzz words and pieces of info that can help identify whether or not you may be a right fit for the campaign. As you read these tips, note that this post is less on how to write  your bio or whether it should be written in third or first person, but more to do with the essential information to include in your bio or about me page.

I was inspired to write this post after doing my own scouting several times. When working on a specific campaign for a client, as is often the case, the client has a target blogger in mind. The info I usually need is “easy”  – sometimes, geographical location, social influence, what the blogger writes about, and other basics. Imagine my surprise when I was  unable to find these essentials on a frequent basis. Alas, inspiration for this post!

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 What to Include In Your Blog’s Bio

  1. Email address easily accessible and obvious.  Nothing worse than finding a great blog and not being able to find an email address. Put it several places but especially on your bio page.
  2. Picture. Good headshot or snapshot of you doing something that expresses you and your personality. Maybe you’re cooking, playing with your kids, blogging, dancing?  Consider either or both of these two combos. For my bio, I have a headshot and a group photo of my family on the beach, doing what we love. Time together, outdoors, and we live in Florida.
  3. Social Networks. Your social media networks should be on every page of your blog, somewhere at the top.  Include links to  Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, etc.  so that you can get more followers and of course, reps can assess your social influence.
  4. Name.  Imagine this, a blog called “Skipping My Way to Skinny” and there is no other identifiable name anywhere on the blog. “Dear Skipping My Way to Skinny, I’m writing because…”
  5. Writing samples with Links.  Show off your best work easily. Add links to sample posts, media mentions, giveaways you have done, etc. For example, on my bio where I write that I contribute to CafeMom, those words link to my profile page with all of my articles.
  6. Geographical location. I understand some bloggers do not want to reveal where they live but consider including your home state since some campaigns are geo tagged.
  7. What you like to write about.  It may not be as obvious as you think.  What you like to write about should be clearly identified somewhere, without having the reader go through a numerous posts.  Example – “Justice Jonesie enjoys writing about her love for travel, motherhood….”
  8. Awards, recognitions, nominations.  Don’t be afraid to brag about it! And if your nod was posted on the web, include links.
  9. Speaking engagements and topics with links (of course!).  Makes you credible, professional, and shows your influence.

What do you think?  Did we forget something? If so, share with us in the comments!  What is essential to include in a blogger bio? 

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We love to share valuable blogging tips and tricks to serve bloggers of all levels. We also welcome submissions from our community to share their tips in contributing posts. If you are interested in submitting a Blogging Hot Tip  article, please email nadia[at]thenetworkniche.com with the subject line “Blogging Tip Article.” Be sure to join our influencer network to receive even more hot tips and access to our paid blogging campaigns. 

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