What’s a Fair Balance Between Sponsored Posts and Unbranded Content?

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As a blogging network that works with more than 1,500 influencers for sponsored opportunities and event coverage, we encourage you to put your best work forward on behalf of a brand. We also hear feedback from brands who are looking for their message to appear on blogs with a delicate balance between sponsored posts and unbranded content. Let’s explore how to make sure your audience trusts your content and you’re paid what you’re worth.

Although your work and your reach have value that our brands love, we should all be mindful that too much marketing on your blog can turn off your audience.  Readers don’t want to be “sold” on a product or service every time they visit your blog. Create a space where your audience trusts what you say about products and services, not just a place where you promote a brand.

Sponsored posts help our community members generate an income, as well as reinvest in their blogs with expenses like

  • web hosting and web design
  • branding and marketing materials
  • equipment (cameras, tablets and camcorders)
  • photography props
  • travel expenses to conferences and events

Related post: How to Pitch Back for a Sponsored Post

We surveyed several community members to gauge how they balance sponsored posts with reviews, expressions and opinions.



Lorraine Ladish of Mamiverse.com says she runs her blog more like a magazine with a variety of content.  “I write sponsored posts in a way that if I stripped the messaging of the brand it would still stand alone. I do as many sponsored posts as I can handle that resonate with my platform.”



Dee Dean from RefreshingTalk.com said, ” I do probably an average of one sponsored per month. I find it much easier to maintain my voice/blog message if I take the time to make sure the product fits any part of my lifestyle. Is this something that I/my family would/could use? I don’t push anything that I can’t genuinely from the heart endorse.”

michelle garrett
Michelle Garrett DivasWithAPurpose.com said, “My audience responds well to sponsored content on my website and social media pages. I believe it’s because I strive to keep an authentic voice. When contemplating an offer I ask myself if it is something that fits within the overall purpose of my website and how will my readership benefit from having the information. The number of sponsored posts that I publish a month varies, but I do strive not to have back-to-back sponsored posts.”

How to Maximize a Sponsored Posts

  • Accept sponsored post opportunities that fit your voice and your audience. If it’s not a good fit for you, decline the opportunity or recommend another blogger.
  • Create evergreen sponsored posts. Tutorials, recipes and printables get a lot of social shares.
  • Share a personal story of how a brand or product solved your problem/issue.

Comment below: How many sponsored posts do you write each week? How many sponsored posts is too many? How does your audience react to your sponsored content vs. unbranded content?

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